[117a - 44 lines; 117b - 41 lines]

1)[line 6]מדרש כתובהMIDRASH KESUVAH- the precise interpretation of the words of the Kesuvah

2)[line 24]שהכתב מוכיחSHEHA'KSAV MOCHI'ACH- the wording of the Get proves [that the husband wants to divorce her]

3)[line 25]דאיכא אימא דסניא להD'IKA IMA D'SANYA LAH- that her mother (the mother-in-law) hates her (the daughter-in-law)

4)[line 28]לגירסנאL'GIRSANA- to the savings, acquisitions

5)[line 29]דבי נשאיD'VEI NASHAI- of her father's household

6)[line 40]אלא מאי מוסיף תרתיELA MAI MOSIF TARTEI?- Rather, what is the [reason for Rebbi Yehudah's] addition of the two [women]?

7)[line 41]דמגלה לבנה כל דעבדהD'MEGALAH LI'VENAH KOL D'AVDAH- since she (the mother-in-law) reveals to her son all [of the reprehensible things] that she (the daughter-in-law) does

8)[line 42]"כמים הפנים לפנים כן לב האדם לאדם""KA'MAYIM HA'PANIM LA'PANIM, KEN LEV HA'ADAM LA'ADAM"- "As in water, face reflects back face, so does the heart of man to man." (Mishlei 27:19)

9)[line 43]חמותה הבאה לאחר מיכןCHAMOSAH HA'BA'AH L'ACHAR MIKAN- the mother of the Yavam but not the mother of her husband


10)[line 5]לבתר שעתא לא תיתי תצטערןL'VASAR SHA'ATA LO TEISI TITZTA'ARAN- she (the mother-in-law) will soon not come and cause me anguish

11)[line 6]דרגיש לה צעראD'RAGISH LAH TZA'ARA- she already felt anguish from her mother-in-law (the mother-in-law mentioned in the Mishnah that was brought as a proof, as opposed to the mother of the Yavam)

12)[line 13]כל מקום שהאמינה תורה עד אחדKOL MAKOM SHE'HE'EMINAH TORAH ED ECHAD HAREI KAN SHENAYIM

See Background to Yevamos 88:15.

13)[line 21]רוב דעותROV DE'OS- the majority of opinions