[28a - 37 lines; 28b - 36 lines]


1)[line 7]התם משום דאיכא שני דמוכחHASAM MISHUM D'IKA SHENI D'MUCHACH- there (earlier in the Mishnah on Daf 26a, "Hayesah Achas Mehen Asurah Al ha'Echad...") [we would have thought that the brother-in-law who is prohibited from performing Yibum with one of the Yevamos, is permitted to perform Yibum with the other Yevamah (who is not an Achos Zekukah with regard to him)] because there is a second brother-in-law who proves [that we need to be careful not to perform Yibum with an Achos Zekukah. The second brother-in-law is prohibited from performing Yibum with both of the Yevamos, who are Zekukos to him and are therefore both Achos Zekukah with regard to him.]