
THE SHI'UR THAT OBLIGATES TAKING CHALAH (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 13a)

îúðé' äîôøéù çìúå ÷îç àéðä çìä åâæì áéã ëäï.


(Mishnah): If one separates flour to be Chalah, it is not Chalah, and it is theft in the Kohen's hand.

äòéñä òöîä çééáú áçìä. åä÷îç àí éù áå ëùéòåø çééáú áçìä åàñåøä ìæøéí ãáøé øáé éäåùò.


The dough itself (from which flour was taken for Chalah) is obligated in Chalah, and the flour, if it has a Shi'ur [and one will make a dough from it] is obligated in Chalah and it is forbidden to Zarim. R. Yehoshua says so;

àîøå ìå îòùä å÷ôùä æ÷ï æø


Rabanan (to R. Yehoshua): A case occurred, and a Chacham Zar grabbed [and ate] it!

àîø ìäï àó äåà ÷éì÷ì ìòöîå åúé÷ï ìàçø.


R. Yehoshua: He ruined himself (transgressed), and fixed others (this will be explained).

çîùú øáòéí ÷îç çééáéï áçìä äï [åùàåøï] åñåáï åîåøñðï çîùú øáòéí çééáéï.


Five Reva'im of flour are obligated in Chalah - they and their Se'or and their fine bran and their coarse bran are obligated;

ðéèì îåøñðï îúåëï åçæø ìúåëï äøé àéìå ôèåøéï.


If one removed their coarse bran (to make clean bread) and returned it [to the dough, and this completed the Shi'ur], they are exempt.

ùéòåø äçìä àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä.


The Shi'ur of Chalah (that one must separate) is one part in 24 [of the dough].

äòåùä òéñä ìòöîå åäòåùä ìîùúä áðå àçã îòùøéí åàøáò'.


If one makes a dough for himself, or makes for his son's nuptial feast, [the Shi'ur is] one part in 24;

ðçúåí ùäåà òåùä ìîëåø ìùå÷ åëï äàùä ùäéà òåùä ìîëåø áùå÷ àçã îàøáòé' åùîåðä.


If a baker makes [dough] to sell in the market, and also a woman who makes to sell in the market, [the Shi'ur is] one part in 48;

[ãó ëá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ðéèîàú òéñúä ùåââú àå àðåñä àçã îàøáòéí åùîåðä. ðéèîàú îæéãä àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä ëãé ùìà éäà çåèà ðùëø.


If the dough became Tamei b'Shogeg or through Ones, [the Shi'ur is] one part in 48. If it became Tamei b'Mezid, one part in 24, lest a sinner profit (take less Chalah).

øáé ìéòæø àåîø (îèìéú) [ðéèìéú] îï äèäåø òì äèîà


R. Eliezer says, one may take from Tahor [dough] on Tamei.

ëéöã òéñä èäåøä åòéñä èîàä ðåèì ëãé çìä îòéñä ùìà äåøîä çìúä åðåúï ôçåú îëáéöä áàîöò ëãé ùéèåì îï äîå÷ó.


How is this? A Tahor dough and a Tamei dough - he takes the amount for Chalah from a dough from which Chalah was not taken, and puts less than k'Beitzah (the Shi'ur for Tum'ah) in the middle, in order that he will take Min ha'Mukaf;

åçëîéí àåñøéï:


Chachamim forbid [to do so].

[ãó éâ òîåã á] âî' àîø ìäï àó äåà ÷éì÷ì ìòöîå åúé÷ï ìàçøéí.


(Gemara - Mishnah - R. Yehoshua: He ruined himself, and fixed others.

÷éì÷ì ìòöîå (åàëìä) [ãàëìä] åàéúòðù. åúé÷ï ìàçøéí ãàéðåï àëìéï (åúìéé áéä) [ö"ì îúå÷ðéí - äâø"à]


He ruined himself - he ate it, and was punished. He fixed others - they eat what is fixed. (They learned from him that one who separated flour did not do anything, and dough must be taken for Chalah. He was punished, for Rabanan forbade the flour to Zarim.)

àéú úðéé úðé úé÷ï ìòöîå å÷éì÷ì ìàçøéí.


Some teach that he fixed himself, and ruined others.

úé÷ï ìòöîå (î"î) [ö"ì ãî"î - ø' ùîùåï] àëìä. å÷éì÷ì ìàçøéí ãàéðåï ñáøéï îéîø ùäåà ôèåø åäéà çééáú


He fixed himself, for in any case he ate it. He ruined others - they inferred that [the flour] is exempt [even if it has a Shi'ur Chalah. Really, then] it is obligated! (PF) (I.e. this opinion explains 'if it has a Shi'ur, it is obligated in Chalah and it, i.e. the Chalah taken from the flour, is forbidden to Zarim.' RI KORKUS (Hilchos Bikurim 8:1) - the RAMBAM explained our Mishnah like this, for he had our text 'Asurah' (feminine); if the Kemach were forbidden, it would say 'Asur'. The flour is always permitted to Zarim. The Meforshim's Perush is difficult. Is eating Isur b'Mezid a Tikun for himself?! And if it is, why is it Kilkul for others to eat b'Shogeg?)


Note: According to my Perush, what was Chachamim's challenge from this episode? Perhaps there was a Shi'ur of Chalah, and the text should say 'Tiken l'Atzmo mi'Makom Acher v'Achlah...' (It was written abbreviated Mem Mem Aleph, and a scribe did not understand, so he omitted the Aleph.) I.e. he declared Chalah (on the dough from this flour) to be from another dough. Onlookers did not know this, and thought that he ate without any declaration. It is better if this was Chalas Chutz la'Aretz, which need not be separated Min ha'Mukaf.

øáé àéîé áùí øáé éðàé ÷á èéáøðé çééá áçìä.


(R. Imi citing R. Yanai): A Kav of Tiverya is obligated in Chalah.

çã çìéèø ùàì ìøáé éåçðï àîø àéæéì òáéã àøáò åôìéâ.


A Chalitar (one who makes Chalitah in a pan, i.e. boiling water is poured on the flour) asked R. Yochanan [how to exempt it, for it is not clear which Chalitah is exempt]. He said, make [each dough] four and a half [Reva'im].

[ãó ëâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åéàîø ìéä úìúà åôìéâ.


Question: He should have told him to make [each] three and a half! (R. Yochanan was in Tiverya. There, four Reva'im (a Kav) is obligated!)

à"ø æòéøà ÷áééà (áàúøéäåï øåáòéà àæãøòåï) [ö"ì áàúøéä øåáòéà àéæãòøåï - ùòøé úåøú àøõ éùøàì]


Answer (R. Ze'ira): The Kav in [R. Yochanan's] place (Tiverya) became a quarter smaller (it became like a Kav of Tzipori; only five Reva'im are obligated. We explained this like SHA'AREI TORAS ERETZ YISRAEL.)

åéàîø ìéä çîùä ôøà öéáçø.


Question: He should have told him five [Reva'im] less a small amount!

ùìà éáåà ìéãé ñô÷ çéåá çìä.


Answer: He should not come to a Safek Chiyuv Chalah (if he errs, and it is really a full five Reva'im).

à"ø éåçðï ãøê òéñä ùðå.


(R. Yochanan): [If one removed their coarse bran and returned it, our Mishnah exempts,] for we learned [that the Chiyuv Chalah is for] the normal way of making a dough.

àîø ø"ù áï ì÷éù ãøáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì äéà ãøùá"â àåîø ìòåìí àéðä çééáú áçìä òã ùéäà áä ãâï ëùéòåø.


(Reish Lakish): [Our Mishnah] is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, for R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, it is never obligated in Chalah until there is a Shi'ur of grain. (Once bran was separated, it is not considered grain.)

úìîéãåé ãø' çééä (øåáà áø ìåìéúà) [ö"ì á"ø áà áùí ø' ìéìééðà - àåø æøåò øëç] áùí ø' éäåùò áï ìåé ãáøé äëì äéà.


(Talmidim of R. Chiya bar Ba citing R. Liliani citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): [Our Mishnah] is like everyone.

à"ø îðà àó òì âá ãìà [ãó éã òîåã à] àîø øáé (éåñé øáé) [ö"ì éåçðï - äâø"à] äãà îéìúà àîø ãëååúä


(R. Mana): Even though R. Yochanan did not say this [explicitly], he said like it;

ãàîø øáé éåçðï ãøê òéñä ùðå.


(R. Yochanan): We learned [that the Chiyuv Chalah is for] the normal way of making a dough.

åëàï îëéåï ùðéèì îåøñðï åçæø ìúåëï àéï æä ãøê òéñä:


Here, since he removed their coarse bran and returned it to it, this is not the way of a dough (so all exempt).