[26a - 56 lines; 26b - 30 lines]

1)[line 3]ספריםSEFARIM- Torah scrolls

2a)[line 4]תגריהןTAGAREIHEN- their wholesalers (merchants who receive items directly from the craftsman)

b)[line 4]תגרי תגריהןTAGAREI TAGAREIHEN- their retailers (those who buy from wholesalers and sell to consumers)

3a)[line 16]כי הוו עיילי בשבתא דרגלאKI HAVU AILEI B'SHABATA D'RAGLA- when they went, on Shabbos of Sukos

b)[line 17]לבי ריש גלותאL'BEI REISH GALUSA- to the house of the Resh Galusa [their Rebbi, as it is a Mitzvah to visit one's Rebbi over Yom Tov]

c)[line 17]הוו גנו ארקתא דסוראHAVU GANU A'RAKSA D'SURA- they would sleep upon the river banks of Sura

4a)[line 23]גנותGINOS- gardens

b)[line 23]פרדסיםPARDEISIM- orchards

5)[line 24]וליתבוV'LEISVU- and sit [there]

6a)[line 25]"תשבו" כעין תדורו"TESHVU" K'EIN TADURU- The verse states, "You shall dwell in Sukos for seven days ..." (Vayikra 23:42). This implies that one should live in his Sukah the same way in which he lives in his house during the rest of the year. A Sukah in the fields cannot meet these parameters, as it would be very difficult to bring one's bed, table, etc. so far a distance. (see Insights)

b)[line 26]פרצה קוראה לגנבPIRTZAH KOR'AH L'GANAV- "a breach calls to a thief". This allegory applies to the case of one attempting to guard a field while sitting in a Sukah. Since the Sukah must have at least three walls, thieves will take advantage of his blocked view and steal from the produce behind the Sukah.

7)[line 27]קא מנטר כריא דפיריKA MINTAR KARYA D'PEIREI- he is guarding a [single] pile of grain [that can easily be seen through one open wall]

8)[line 28]חולה שיש בו סכנהCHOLEH SHE'YESH BO SAKANAH- one who has a life-threatening condition

9)[line 30]חש בעיניוCHASH B'EINAV- if he has a pain in his eye [that does not threaten even the eye]

10)[line 31]קיסריKEISARI- Caeseria, a port city located between Tel Aviv and Haifa first built by King Herod

11)[line 31]ר' יוסי בריביREBBI YOSI B'RIVI- Rebbi Yosi the sharp one. This refers to Rebbi Yosi ben Chalafta, whose name generally appears in Mishnayos as simply "Rebbi Yosi".

12)[line 33]שראSHARA- permitted

13)[line 33]למגנא בכילתאL'MAGNA B'CHILSA- to sleep under a canopy [that had a Tefach-wide roof and was ten Tefachim tall, and was therefore an area separate from the Sukah]

14)[line 34]בקיBAKEI- (O.F. cinceles) mosquitoes

15)[line 35]בר ממטללתאBAR MI'METALALTA- outside of the Sukah

16)[line 36]סירחא דגרגישתאSIRCHA D'GARGISHTA- the foul odor of the white clay [used as a flooring material in the Sukah]

17)[line 43]ביעיBEI'EI- egg-volumes

18)[line 43]זימנין סגיאיןZIMNIM SAGI'IN- many times

19)[line 45]כדטעים בר בי רב ועייל לכלהKED'TA'IM BAR BEI RAV V'AYIL L'KALAH- the amount that a Yeshiva student tastes before going to Beis ha'Midrash during the assembly in the months of Adar and Elul (this is the equivalent of one egg-volume)

20)[line 48]ירדםYERADEM- fall into a deep sleep

21)[line 49]אבל לא שינת קבעAVAL LO SHINAS KEVA- but not a deep sleep [since he may then pass flatulence, which is prohibited while wearing Tefilin]

22)[line 51]מוסר שינתו לאחריםMOSER SHINASO L'ACHERIM- one who gives his sleep to others; i.e., he requests from another to awaken him before he sleeps deeply

23)[line 52]ערביך ערבא צריךARVEICH ARVA TZARICH1- your guarantor requires a guarantor! (that is, he upon whom you rely may himself fall asleep)

24)[line 53]ברכיוBIRKAV- his knees

25)[line 53]אין קבע לשינהEIN KEVA L'SHINAH- There is no distinction between a deep sleep and a shallow sleep when it comes to sleeping outside of a Sukah, since all manner of refreshing sleep must take place inside of it. Regarding Tefilin, however, there is no prohibition against sleeping per se. Since the concern is that one may pass flatulence, a shallow sleep is permitted since one will not lose control in that state.

26a)[line 55]הא דנקיט להו בידיהHA D'NAKIT LEHU B'YADEI- [one may not sleep at all] when holding [the Tefilin] in his hand [since he may drop them]

b)[line 55]הא דמנחי ברישיהHA D'MANCHEI B'REISHEI- [one may sleep shallowly but not deeply] when [the Tefilin] rest upon his head

c)[line 55]הא דפריס סודרא עלויהHA D'PARIS SUDRA ILAVEI- [one may even sleep deeply] when he [placed the Tefilin near his head and] spread a scarf over them

27)[last line]קריKERI- a seminal emission (see below, entry #38)

28)[last line]אוחז ברצועהOCHEZ B'RETZU'A- he [must remove the Tefilin, and] should [do so by] grabbing the strap


29)[line 1]קציצהKETZITZAH- the Bayis (box) of the Tefilin

30)[line 4]אסור לאדם לישן ביוםASUR L'ADAM LI'SHON B'YOM- a person may not go to sleep during the day [as this constitutes Bitul Torah]

31)[line 6]שיתין נשמיSHITIN NISHMEI- sixty breaths (O.F. aleines - breaths). This refers to a period of slightly more than one half-hour; alternatively, to that of slightly over three minutes (BI'UR HALACHAH 4:16 DH David)

32)[line 6]דמרD'MAR- of Rabah bar Nachmani, the Rebbi of Abaye

33)[line 9]כדמעייל מפומבדיתא לבי כוביKEDEME'AYEIL MI'PUMBEDISA L'BEI KUVEI- for the length of time necessary to walk from Pumbedisa to Bei Kuvei. RASHI explains that this is a distance of six Parsa'os, which requires approximately seven hours and twelve minutes to traverse. Many Acharonim (RAV CHANINA LIPA MEIZELES, ARUCH L'NER, MAHARATZ CHAYOS et. al.) point out that this appears to be an inordinate amount of time for a Torah scholar of Abaye's stature to sleep for during the day. Furthermore, Rashi writes that he has revealed this distance elsewhere, and the MESORES HA'SHAS notes that he was unable to find the source to which Rashi refers. This Dibur ha'Maschil may be the result of a printer's error, as it does not appear in the manuscripts (Dikdukei Sofrim #90).

34)[line 10]עצלATZEL- one who is lazy

35)[line 11]חולץCHOLETZ- he may remove his Tefilin

36)[line 13]ילדיםYELADIM- in this context, young men

37)[line 14]טומאהTUM'AH- [our Gemara at this point assumes that this refers to] the Tum'ah of Keri (see next entry)

38)[line 15]בעל קריBA'AL KERI

(a)One who has emitted Keri (semen) becomes a Rishon l'Tum'ah. He may not enter the Machaneh Leviyah (see above, entry #6), nor may he eat Ma'aser, Terumah or Kodshim. He becomes Tahor upon immersing in a Mikvah and may immediately enter Machaneh Leviyah and eat Ma'aser. Until nightfall he remains a "Tevul Yom" (see Background to 34:21), after which he may once again eat Terumah or Kodshim. Mid'Rabanan he may not enter the Ezras Nashim of the Beis ha'Mikdash until nightfall.

39)[line 17]הרגל דברHERGEL DAVAR- lit. that which he is used to; this is a euphemism for marital relations

40)[line 18]שמש מטתוSHIMESH MITASO- had relations with his wife

41a)[line 19]יטול ידיוSHE'YITOL YADAV- he washes his hands

b)[line 19]ויטלםV'YITALEM- and [only then] remove them

42)[line 20]הידים עסקניות הןHA'YADAYIM ASKANIYOS HEM- hands are busy [and he therefore may have unknowingly come into contact with a part of the body that requires him to wash his hands after touching]

43)[line 22]תבשילTAVSHIL- a cooked dish

44)[line 22]כותבותKOSAVOS- dates

45)[line 22]דליDLI- a pitcher

46)[line 24]אוכלOCHEL- a food item [whose Berachah is "ha'Motzi Lechem Min ha'Aretz"]

47)[line 24]נטלו במפהNETALO B'MAPAH- he took it with a cloth [as his hands were dirty]

48)[line 26]מעשה לסתורMAISEH LI'STOR?- [why does our Mishnah bring] a the story that appears to contradict [that which the previous Mishnah states; namely, that one may eat small amounts of food outside of the Sukah]?

49)[line 28]יוהראYUHARA- haughtiness