[125a - 37 lines; 125b - 45 lines]

1)[line 2]קרומיות של מחצלתKEROMIYOS SHEL MACHATZELES- shreds of reeds detached from mats

2)[line 6]טינופתTINOFES- filth

3)[line 6]פרוזמיותPERUZMIYOS- Talises; cloaks

4)[line 19]הוא נסוקHU NISOK- it is heated

5)[line 22]מחוסר נתיצהMECHUSAR NETITZAH- (lit. lacking breakage) a complete or nearly complete utensil that may break, fulfilling the verse "Yutatz"

6)[line 23]לאידך גיסאL'IDACH GISA- (lit. for the opposite side) for the opposite inference, i.e. not to teach a leniency, but rather a stringency in the Halachah

7)[line 30]עושה מעשה טפקאOSEH MA'ASEH TAFKA- the fragments can be used as heated tiles (O.F. tiules) for baking on them

8)[last line]קירויהKEIRUYAH- a dried-out gourd which has been hollowed out and is used for drawing water


9)[line 1]זמורהZEMORAH- a branch of a grapevine

10)[line 1]בטפיחTAFI'ACH- with a small earthenware pitcher used for drawing water from a well or spring

11)[line 2]פקק החלוןPEKAK HE'CHALON- a board used to seal a skylight (RASHI 137b); alternatively a board used to seal a window, a shutter (TOSFOS DH Hakol)

12)[line 8]בסיס לדבר האסורBASIS L'DAVAR HE'ASUR

See Background to Shabbos 120:25.

13)[line 11]מותבינן אשמעתיןMOSVINAN A'SHEMAITIN- I ask an apparent contradiction to what I have taught

14)[line 13]הדקהHADKAH- he attached it well

15)[line 20]נדבךNIDBACH- a row of stones to be used in the construction of a building

16)[line 24]למדוםLAMDUM- put them in place

17)[line 25]שפשפוםSHAFSHEFUM- rub them clean of mud

18)[line 26]סואר של קורותSAVAR SHEL KOROS- a pile of beams

19)[line 27]גשוש של ספינהGASHUS SHEL SEFINAH- the sounding pole of a ship

20)[line 31]חריות של דקלCHARIYOS SHEL DEKEL- the spines of dried palm branches

21)[line 32]גדרןGADRAN- he cut

22)[line 33]לקשורLI'KSHOR- to tie the Chariyos together

23)[line 35]במחוברת באביהMECHUBERES B'AVIHA- it is still attached to the grapevine

24)[line 36]משתמש במחובר לקרקעMISHTAMESH B'MECHUBAR L'KARKA

The Rabanan made a decree not to use or to support oneself with anything that is attached to the ground and higher than three Tefachim above the ground, for fear that the person will transgress the Melachah of Kotzer (reaping) on Shabbos.