[108a - 54 lines; 108b - 45 lines]

1)[line 1]פיטראPITRA- (O.F. boleiz) mushrooms

2)[line 1]אונא דחצבאUNA D'CHATZBA- from the rim of a pitcher

3)[line 4]היינו רביתיהHAINU REVISEI- this is where it normally grows

4)[line 9]אית ביה ניקבי ניקביIS BEI NIKBEI NIKBEI- it is full of holes

5)[line 12]היכי מרבי ליה קרא?HEICHI MARBI LEI KRA?- Why should the Torah command to offer it on the Mizbe'ach any more than the skin of an animal?

6)[line 20]אית ביה פירצי פירציIS BEI PIRTZEI PIRTZEI- it is full of holes

7)[line 27]אי פסקא זוהמא מיניהIY PASKA ZUHAMA MINEI- if it is ever possible to tan it enough such that it stops having a bad smell

8)[line 29]אגודאA'GUDA- on the bank

9)[line 29]נהר מלכאNEHAR MALKA- the King's river

10)[line 29]דלו ועכיריDALU V'ACHIREI- the waters rose, forming high waves that were murky

11)[line 31]לאקבולי אפיה קמיהL'AKBULEI APEI KAMEI- to greet him and conceal him; alt., to greet him and clean him

12)[line 32]תהי ליה אקנקניהTAHI LEI A'KANKANEI- lit., smell his wine-jug; i.e. test him out

13)[line 35]"וישכימו בבקר והשמש זרחה על המים, ויראו מואב מנגד את המים אדמים כדם""VA'YASHKIMU BA'BOKER VEHA'SHEMESH ZARCHAH AL HA'MAYIM, VAYIR'U MO'AV MINEGED ES HA'MAYIM ADUMIM K'DAM" - "[And they arose early in the morning and the sun was shining on the water,] and Mo'av saw the water red like blood." (Melachim II 3:22) (TWO MIRACLES WITH WATER)

(a)King Yehoram, who followed the ways of his wicked father Achav, joined forces with the king of Edom and with his brother-in-law, the righteous Yehoshafat, and set out to attack Meisha, the king of Mo'av. Mo'av, a vassal state of Yisrael, had been paying a heavy annual tax. However, upon the death of Achav, Meisha broke away from Yisrael and ceased paying the tax.

(b)They decided to travel the route of the desert of Edom, but on the way they ran out of water and found themselves without a drop for the soldiers or for the animals. Yehoram began to lament that HaSh-m had gathered these three kings together in order to deliver them into the hands of Mo'av, but Yehoshafat asked whether there was a Navi in the vicinity. When one of the servants of the king of Yisrael mentioned Elisha, he persuaded Yehoram to consult him for advice.

(c)The Navi was duly summoned. Initially, he asked Yehoram why he did not rather consult the prophets of his evil father Achav and of his evil mother Izevel (the prophets of Ba'al). When the king reiterated his earlier fears, Elisha swore to him that were it not for the fact that he favored Yehoshafat, he would not look him in the face (and would not take the trouble of consulting HaSh-m on his behalf). The Navi then asked for a musician to play before him to allow his anger with the evil idolater to dissipate (since prophecy requires Simchah, and where there is anger there is no Simchah).

(d)After the power of prophecy returned to him, Elisha promised him salvation. He promised him that the valley before them would bring forth pools of water, without a wisp of wind or a drop of rain, sufficient to supply his entire army as well as the animals.

(e)They were to go on and fight and defeat Mo'av, "to destroy every fortified city and every choice town, to fell every good tree (which is forbidden except when fighting Amon and Mo'av), block every well, and fill every cornfield with stones."

(f)The following morning, water began to flow from Edom into the valley. By the time of the morning Minchas Tamid, the valley was flooded.

(g)When Mo'av heard that the three kings had come to attack them, every man who was capable of wielding a sword gathered on the border. When the sun appeared in the sky, it shone on the water in the valley, giving it the appearance of blood. Believing that the "blood" that they now saw was the blood of the three armies who had turned on one another and killed each other, they attacked the camp of Yisrael in the hope of picking up the spoil.

(h)The army of Yisrael, however, came out to meet them. They defeated them as the Navi had predicted, and they went on to fulfill the Navi's instructions to the letter. (This episode has a strange ending, but that is a story on its own.)

14)[line 39]ערלתו תמהARLASO TAMAH- "Arlaso" which is a complete one-word description of the object we are talking about

15)[line 40]תיפוק ליה קרנא בעיניהTEIPUK LEI KARNA B'EINEI- a growth of flesh should grow on his eye

16)[line 40]אוכליהOCHLEI- he fed him

17)[line 40]נהמא דשעריNAHAMA D'SA'AREI- barley bread

18)[line 41]כסא דהרסנאKASA D'HARSENA- fish which is cooked in its own oil with flour

19)[line 41]אשקייה שיכראASHKEYEI SHICHRA- he gave him beer to drink

20)[line 41]לישתלשלLISHTALSHEL- he should have diarrhea

21)[line 42]לא לוקמוה ליה בניLO LUKMUHA LEI BNEI- his (male) children should not live

22)[line 47]נכרכות בשערןNICHRACHOS B'SA'ARAN- they are bound with their hairs

23)[line 47]נתפרות בגידןNISPAROS B'GIDAN- they are sewn with their sinews

24)[line 49]ביתוסיBAISUSI- Baithusian (a member of the heretical school of Baithus)

25)[line 52]איספקליטורISPIKLATOR- executioner

26)[last line]קאלוסKALUS- your answer is praiseworthy!

27)[last line]הילמיHILMEI- (O.F. salmuire) brine


28)[line 2]ואלו הן מי מלח המותריןV'ELU HEN MEI MELACH HA'MUTARIN- This is the continuation of Rebbi Yosi's ruling, in which he details the circumstances under which he permits making salt water on Shabbos.

29a)[line 9]כבשיןKEVASHIN- vegetables used for pickling

b)[line 9]גיסטראGISTERA- a broken earthenware utensil

30)[line 15]הביצה צפה בהןHA'BEITZAH TZAFAH BAHEN- that an egg floats in them

31)[line 16]מורייסאMURYASA- fish brine

32a)[line 18]פוגלאPUGLA- a radish

b)[line 18]הוה מלחנא פוגלאHAVAH MALACHNA PUGLA- I would salt radish on Shabbos because I thought that salt is detrimental to it since it weakens its taste, and therefore it is not an accepted manner of preserving the radish

c)[line 19]פוגלא חורפי מעליPUGLA CHURFEI MA'ALEI- a radish which is sharp is beneficial

33)[line 20]כישרי כישריKISHREI KISHREI- they would salt entire "logs" of slices of radish piled up one on top of the other (during the week - Or Zaru'a 2:73). This demonstrated that salting is indeed beneficial to the radish, and salting it is indeed considered an accepted manner of preserving it. Therefore it is prohibited to salt it on Shabbos.

34)[line 22]ימא דסדוםYAMA D'SEDOM- the Dead Sea

35)[line 23]הפוכה מילהHAFUCHAH MILAH- the word[s spoken about it] is the opposite

36)[line 23]כשורא טבע?!KESHURA TAVA?!- a beam of wood did sink in it?!

37)[line 26]הוה שקיל ואזילHAVAH SHAKIL V'AZIL- was walking

38)[line 27]למימשיL'MIMSHI- to wash

39)[line 28]למימץ ולמיפתחL'MEIMATZ UL'MIFTACH- to shut and open one's eyes

40)[line 31]רוק תפלROK TAFEL- tasteless saliva; a person's saliva upon awakening in the morning after not having eaten since midnight

41)[line 35]אלא לוי ולא חדא אמר?!ELA LEVI V'LO CHADA AMAR?!- but Levi did not say either one of the sayings?!

42)[line 37]קילוריןKILORIN- (O.F. luzie) plasters, bandages with ointment for the eyes

43)[line 40]צר עיןTZAR AYIN- selfish

44)[line 41]טיפת צונןTIPAS TZONEN- a drop of cold water

45)[line 44]יד לעין תיקצץYAD LA'AYIN TIKATZETZ- a person whose hand habitually touches his eyes before being washed in the morning with Netilas Yadayim is better off having his hand cut off

46)[last line]חסודהCHASUDA- incisions in the skin made by a lancet (O.F. flemie), a pointed two-edged surgical knife used in bloodletting