[38a - 48 lines; 38b - 58 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 38b [line 45]:

"v'Ein Nosnin Al Gabav" ואין נותנין על גביו

See Hagahos ha'Gra (his emendation is imperative). However, the text of the Dikdukei Sofrim and other manuscripts of the Gemara, as well as the text of the Rif and the Rosh, omit the entire end of the Beraisa that deals with the Kupach.


1)[line 1]שכח קדירה על גבי כירהSHACHACH KEDEIRAH AL GABEI KIRAH- The Gemara's question applies to the Chachamim who argue with Chananyah (RASHI), or to Chananyah, in which case it pertains to a food that was not cooked k'Ma'achal Ben Derusai before Shabbos (TOSFOS).

2)[line 9]לא אתי לאיערומיLO ASI L'I'ARUMEI- that he will not cook intentionally on Shabbos saying that it was unintentional, since Bnei Yisrael are not suspected of desecrating Shabbos

3)[line 12]במזידB'MEIZID- If he did not forget, but intentionally left a pot on the Kirah before Shabbos

4)[line 20]כרובKRUV- cabbage

5)[line 20]פוליםPOLIM- beans

6)[line 20]בשר טרוףBASAR TARUF- hashed meat

7)[line 32]קשיא דרבי מאיר אדרבי מאירKASHYA D'REBBI MEIR AD'REBBI MEIR- The Gemara's question presumes that the Halachah b'Di'eved (when the food has already been cooked,) on a stove which is not Gerufah, is the same as the Halachah of leaving food l'Chatchilah on a stove that is Gerufah. (The Gemara concludes that according to Rebbi Meir, the not Gerufah case is not as stringent, b'Di'eved, as Gerufah is l'Chatchilah, and according to Rebbi Yehudah, it is more stringent than Gerufah is l'Chatchilah.)

8)[line 37]עבר ושהה מאיAVAR V'SHAHAH MAI- see Insights

9)[line 46]עוזרדיןUZRADIN- (O.F. cormes) sorb-apples; alt. medlars, crab-apples


10)[line 4]קומקמוסKUMKUMUS- a kettle

11)[line 4]דיוטא התחתונהDEYOTA HA'TACHTONAH- the lower attic

12)[line 8]עודן בידוODAN B'YADO- they are still in his hand, i.e., he never put the pot of water down

13)[line 9]רבי תדאי דעבד לגרמיה הוא דעבדREBBI TADA'I D'AVAD, L'GARMEI HU D'AVAD- Rebbi Tada'i, who acted [in this way], was following his own opinion; i.e., no one else rules this way

14)[line 25]פינן ממיחם למיחםPINAN MI'MEICHAM L'MEICHAM- if he emptied the water from one kettle into another one, [can he put it back on the stove?]

15)[line 26]תנורTANUR- a dome-shaped oven (whose opening is on top)

16)[line 28]כופחKUPACH- a one-burner stove

17)[line 48]נפיש הבליהNAFISH HEVLEI- its heat is greater

18)[line 53]תתגלגלTISGALGEL- it shall roast a little bit and be able to spin

19)[line 53]לא יפקיענה בסודריןLO YAFKI'ENAH B'SUDARIN- he may not crack it open on a hot cloth in order for it to cook

20)[line 54]אבק דרכיםAVAK DERACHIM- dust from the road

21)[line 55]סילוןSILON- a pipe

22)[line 55]אמהAMAH- a water channel