

ביתך זה משם מה אתה תופשו משם ביתך זה.


Question #1: If one said 'Beischa Zeh' (this house of yours), how do you judge this - [is it like one who said] 'Beischa', [or like one who said] 'Zeh'?

נפל ובנאו הוא לית ליה


Question #2: [If one said this house, and] it fell and he rebuilt it - it is not the same (Panim Chadashos came, so it is permitted. Or, perhaps it is considered the same house, and it is forbidden? (RIVASH 356)

נישמעינה מן הדא האומר ליורשיו תנו בית חתנות לבני או בית ארמלות לבתי ונפל יורשין חייבין לבנותו


Answer (to Question #2): We learn from the following. One who told his heirs 'give a nuptial house to my son' or 'a widowhood house to my daughter', and it fell, the heirs are obligated to rebuild it. (It is considered the same house.)

תמן תנינן האומר לבנו קונם שאת נהנה לי. אם מת יירשנו. בחיי ובמותי מת לא יירשנו.


(Mishnah Bava Kama 9:8): If one said to his son 'Konam, you may not benefit from me', if he died, he inherits him. If he said 'in my lifetime and in my death', he does not inherit him.

אמר רבי ירמיה חמי היך תנינן הכא


(R. Yirmeyah): See what our Mishnah here teaches! (He inherits him unless he said both 'in my lifetime and in my death.')

והתני בחיי אם מת יירשנו. במותי אם מת יירשנו. בחיי ובמותי אם מת לא יירשנו.


Support (Beraisa): If he said 'in my life', if he died, he inherits him. If he said 'in my death', if he died, he inherits him. (While he was alive, it was permitted; once he died, it left his Reshus, and he cannot forbid it - Shach YD 216:19, citing the BACH.) 'In my life and after death', if he died, he does not inherit him.

מה בין להוא דאמר חדא חדא להוא דאמר תריי תריי.


Question: What is the difference that here (in Nedarim), one matter (the word this, suffices to forbid after death), and here (in Bava Kama) two matters ('in my life and after death', are needed to forbid after death)?

רב ירמיה ורבי יוסי בן חנינה תריהון אמרין קונם הניית (נכסיי) [נראה שצ"ל נכסים] אילו עליי בחיי ובמותי מכיון שאמר אילו אסרן עליו בין בחיים בין לאחר מיתה.


Answer (R. Yirmeyah and R. Yosi ben Chaninah): When he said 'Konam, Hana'ah from this property is Alai' [he is forbidden] in [the owner's] lifetime and in his death. Since he said 'this property' (it does not depend on who owns it), he forbade it to himself both in his lifetime and after death.

אמר ר' יוסי תנינן בנזיקין מה דלא תנינן בנדרים קונם לביתך שאיני נכנס. שדך שאיני לוקח מת או שמכרו לאחר מותר. לבית זה שאיני נכנס שדה זו שאיני לוקח מת או שמכרו לאחר אסור.


(R. Yosi): [Our] Mishnah in Nezikin teaches what was not taught in Nedarim (one can forbid his property to others after his death. In Nedarim, we learn only that one can forbid himself after the owner's death -) 'Konam is your house that I will not enter it', or 'your field, that I will not buy it', if he died or sold them to another, he is permitted. '[Konam] this house that I will not enter it', or 'this field, that I will not buy it', if he died or sold them to another, he is forbidden.

[דף יח עמוד ב] מפני שלא אמר זה הא אמר זה אסרו עליו בין בחיים בין לאחר מיתה:


Inference: [The Mishnah in Bava Kama distinguishes between when he said 'in my lifetime and in my death', and when he did not say so] because he did not say 'this', but if he said 'this', [in every case] he forbade it to him in his lifetime and after death. (We explained this based on NESIVOS YERUSHALAYIM Bava Kama 9:8, with additions.)