
WHEN IS ONE LIABLE FOR EACH LAV? (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 1 Daf 25a)

äàåëì (àáø) [ö"ì áùø - àåø ùîç] îï äçé îèøéôä øáé éñà àîø àúôìâåï øáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù øáé éåçðï àîø çééá ùúéí ø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø àéðå çééá àìà àçú


One who eats Basar (OHR SOMAYACH Hilchos Ma'achalos Asuros 4:17) Min ha'Chai of a Tereifah - R. Yosa said, R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argued about this. R. Yochanan said that he is liable twice. Reish Lakish said that he is liable only once.

îä èòîà ãøáé éåçðï ìà (úàëì) [ö"ì úàëìå] ëì ðáéìä [ùí éá ëâ] åìà úàëì äðôù òí äáùø


What is R. Yochanan's reason? He is liable for "Lo Sochlu Chol Neveilah" and "v'Lo Sochal ha'Nefesh Im ha'Basar."

îä èòîà ãø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù


Question: What is Reish Lakish's reason?

àîøå çáøéï ÷åîé øáé éåñé àúééà ãøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù ëäãà ãúðé ø' àìéòæø áï éò÷á [ùîåú ëá ì] åáùø áùãä èøôä ìà úàëìå àì úäà úåìù åàåëì îï äáäîä ëãøê ùàúä úåìù îä÷ø÷ò åàåëì (îä èòîà ãø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù çáøééä ÷åîé øáé éåñé)


Answer (Talmidim, in front of R. Yosi): Reish Lakish learns like R. Eliezer ben Yakov taught "u'Vasar ba'Sadeh Tereifah Lo Sochelu" - do not detach and eat from a [live] animal the way you detach from the ground and eat. (Since both are included in one Lav, he is liable only once.)

øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù ìà ñáø áèøéôä ëøáé éåçðï àéï éñáåø ëï ùéäà çééá ùúéí


Reish Lakish does not hold about Tereifah like R. Yochanan. If he held like him, he would say that he is liable twice!

[ãó ëä òîåã á] àîø ìåï àôé' ãéñáåø ëï ìà éäà çééá àìà àçú ùðééà äéà ùçæø åëìì


Rebuttal (R. Yosi): Even if [Reish Lakish] holds like him, he is liable only once. There is different, for it returned and included [both in one verse].

äúéáåï [åé÷øà æ ëâ] çìá ìà úàëìå [ùí ëå] åãí ìà úàëìå åëúéá [ùí â éæ] ëì çìá åëì ãí ìà úàëìå îòúä îëéåï ùçæø åëìì ìà éäà çééá àìà àçú


Question: It says "Chelev Lo Sochlu" and "v'Dam Lo Sochlu", and it says "Kol Chelev v'Chol Dam Lo Sochlu." According to [your rejection], he should be liable only once [for Chelev and blood. Surely this is not so!]

àîø ìåï àéìå äéä ëúéá çìá åãí éàåú ìéú ëúéá àìà ëì çìá åëì ãí ìçééá òì æä áôðé òöîå åòì æä áôðé òöîå


Answer (R. Yosi): Had it written 'Chelev v'Dam', you would be correct. However, it is written "Kol Chelev v'Chol Dam", to obligate for this by itself and this by itself.

åäà ëúéá [áîãáø å â] åëì îùøú òðáéí ìà éùúä åëúéá [áîãáø å ã] îçøöðéí åòã æâ ìà éàëì îòúä îëéåï ùçæø åëìì ìà éäà çééá àìà àçú


Question: It says "v'Chol Mishras Anavim Lo Yishteh", and it says "me'Chartzanim v'Ad Zag Lo Yochal." Since they were put in a Klal, he should be liable only once!

àîø ìåï àéìå äåä ëúéá îçøöðéí åæâ éàåú ìéú ëúéá àìà îçøöðéí åòã æâ ìçééá òì æä áôðé òöîå åòì æä áôðé òöîå


Answer (R. Yosi): Had it written 'me'Chartzanim v'Zag', you would be correct. However, it is written "me'Chartzanim v'Ad Zag", to obligate for this by itself and this by itself.

(øáé àåîø) [ö"ì ø' éåñé àîø - ÷øáï äòãä] ìçáøééà äåå éãòéï ãàéúôìâåï øáé éåçðï åø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù


(R. Yosi, to Talmidim): You should know that R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argued [about Ever Min ha'Chai];

àáø îï äçé ùçì÷å åàëìå ãáøé äëì ôèåø îä ôìéâéï áùçì÷å áôéå åàëìå ø' éåçðï òáã ôéå ëìôðéí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù òáã ôéå ëìçåõ


If an Ever Min ha'Chai was cut, and then one ate it, all agree that he is exempt. When do they argue? It is when he [put it whole in his mouth, and] divided it in his mouth. R. Yochanan considers his mouth like inside (it is as if he swallowed it whole, and it was divided in his stomach, so he is liable), and Reish Lakish considers his mouth like outside (it is as it was divided before he ate it, so he is exempt).

àîøéï ìéä àú îä àîø


Talmidim (to R. Yosi): What do you say (whom does the Halachah follow)?

àîø ìåï àðà àîøé ìëåï äøé òåìí ôìéâéï åàúåï àîøéï àëï


R. Yosi: Will I tell you [my opinion]?! Mountains (great Chachamim) of the world argue, and you say so (I should decide whom the Halachah follows)?!

àéï ëéðé àôéìå çì÷å áçåõ åàëìå éäà çééá ìîä ãøê àëéìä äéà


R. Yosi: [I do not say that this is the Halachah, but] if so (you want my opinion), even if he divided it outside and ate it, he is liable. What is the reason? This is the way of eating (in any case it is destined to be cut before he swallows it. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)

ðîìä ùçì÷ä áôéå åàëìä úôìåâúà ãøáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù


If he divided an ant in his mouth, and ate it, R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this.

øáé îééùà ùàì ìøáé æòéøà òðáä ùçì÷ä áôéå åàëìä úôìåâúà ãøáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù


Question (R. Maisha, to R. Ze'ira): If [a Nazir] divided a grape in his mouth, and ate it, do R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this?

àîø ìéä úîï ãáø ùéù áå àéñåø åèåîàä î÷åí ùáèìä èåîàúå áèìä àéñåøå áøí äëà éù ëàï àéñåø åàéï ëàï èåîàä


Answer (R. Ze'ira): There (Ever Min ha'Chai), it is a matter with Isur and Tum'ah. When the Tum'ah is Batel (because it was divided), the Isur is Batel. Here (a grape), there is Isur and no Tum'ah. (All agree that he is liable.)

øáé áà áï øáé îìì áòé [ãó ëå òîåã à] ëæéú îöä ùçì÷å áôéå åàëìå úôìåâúà ãøáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù


Question (R. Ba ben R. Mamal): If one divided a k'Zayis of Matzah in his mouth and ate it, do R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this?

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï áëì î÷åí ìà ðäðä çéëå ëæéú


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): In any case, did his palate not benefit from a k'Zayis?! (All agree that he was Yotzei.)

øáðéï ã÷éñøéï àîøé øáé ðéñà ùàì (ôøéãéí) [ö"ì ôøéãä - øéãá"æ] ùì øéîåï ùì òøìä ùçì÷å áôéå åàëìå úôìåâúà ãøáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù


Question (Rabanan of Kisarin citing R. Nisa): If one divided a pomegranate seed in his mouth and ate it, do R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this?

îä àðï ÷ééîéï


Question: About what does he ask?

àé îùåí îù÷ä


Suggestion: It is due to liquid (when he cuts the seed, liquid exudes. Can the liquid join to obligate him?)

ëáø úðéðï àéï îèîà îùí îù÷ä àìà äéåöà îï äæéúéí åîï äòðáéí


Rejection: It was taught, [one is not lashed for any fruit juice, except for what comes from grapes and olives...] there is no Tum'as Mashkim, except for what comes from grapes and olives! (We explained this like PNEI MOSHE. It is difficult why the Gemara cited only the Seifa. The rejection is due to the Reisha! - PF)

øáðï ã÷éñøéï àîøéï úéôúø ùáìòï


Answer (Rabanan of Kisarin): The case is, he swallowed them. (Perhaps R. Yochanan obligates one who divided in his mouth only when one eats through chewing, for this is needed for chewing, but if he swallows without chewing, he agrees that one who divided in his mouth is exempt. We explained this like RIDVAZ.)