[22a - 31 lines; 22b - 51 lines]

1)[line 1]לבית הקברותL'VEIS HA'KEVAROS- to the cemetery [for three days]

2)[line 1]מהו?MAHU?- what is the Halachah [regarding how many days of Shiv'ah he must observe when he returns]? (See Insights.)

3)[line 5]הא דאתא בגו תלתאHA D'ASA B'GO TELASA- that [which he may join those in the house in their accounting of Shiv'ah refers to] when he came [to the house of mourning] within three [days]

4)[line 7]הצלפוניHATZELPONI- a certain locale

5)[line 9]מחוזאMECHOZA- a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

6)[line 9]אתון דלא אזליתו בתר ערסאATUN, D'LO AZLISU BASAR ARSA- you (plural), who do not follow the coffin [from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael]

7)[line 10]מכי מהדריתו אפייכו מבבא דאבולאMI'CHI MEHADRISU APAICHU MI'BAVA D'IBULA- from when you turn back from the [outer] city gate

8)[line 15]ננערו לעמודNIN'ARU LA'AMOD- if [the mourners] moved [in such a way that signified that they were about] to stand

9)[line 16]תיקוTEIKU

The Gemara often leaves a question unanswered with the word "Teiku." The PRI MEGADIM (Igeres preceding his introduction to Orach Chaim, #9) cites three explanations for this term:

1.[this question shall remain] sealed in its container (ARUCH, Erech Tik)

2.let [the question] stand ("Tehei Ka'I"; MUSAF HA'ARUCH)

3.Tishbi Yetaretz Kushyos v'Ibayos - Eliyahu ha'Navi will answer difficulties and questions (TOSFOS YOM TOV, end of Eduyos)

10)[line 16]גמיריGEMIREI- [he] learned

11)[line 20]בטריפותBI'TEREIFOS- regarding what physical defects render an animal non-kosher

12a)[line 22]בני מעים שניקבוBNEI ME'AYIM SHE'NIKVU- if the entrails [of an animal] were pierced

b)[line 22]וליחה סותמתןV'LEICHAH SOSMASAN- and something moist stops them up [by plugging the hole]

13a)[line 23]שירקא דמעיאSHIRKA D'ME'AYA- (a) the thin fatty film attached to the entrails (RASHI to Pesachim 68a); (b) (O.F. glaire) a viscous, sticky substance present in the entrails (RASHI to Chulin 50a)

b)[line 23]דנפיק אגב דוחקאD'NAFIK AGAV DUCHAKA- (a) that can be forced out with difficulty; (b) according to the Girsa D'NAFKA AGAV DUCHKA D'SAKINA (as it is Pesachim 68a) - that can be forced out through applying pressure with a knife

14)[line 24]מאן דהואMAN D'HU- one [of the students] who was [there]

15a)[line 24]איזכי ואסיקIZKEI V'ASIK- [may it be HaSh-m's will that] I will merit to go up to [Eretz Yisrael]

b)[line 24]ואגמרא לשמעתא מפומיה דמריהV'AGMERA L'SHEMAITA MI'PUMEI D'MAREI- and I will learn this teaching from the mouth of the master [of this teaching]

16)[line 29]מדחה מטתוMADCHEH MITASO- if one hurries the coffin [to the cemetery]

17)[line 30]מגונהMEGUNEH- distasteful

18)[last line]ממעט בעסקוMEMA'ET B'ISKO- he may limit his profitable ventures


19)[line 2]חולץCHOLETZ- he may bare his arm and shoulder [in mourning] (see Insights #3)

20)[line 5]ונמנע ולא חלץNIMNA V'LO CHALATZ- he refrained from baring his shoulder [so as to spare his fellow Torah sage from the ignominy of doing so]

21)[line 11]רבי שמעון בן גמליאל נשיא הוהRABAN SHIMON BEN GAMLIEL NASI HAVAH- Raban Shimon ben Gamliel (the father of Rebbi) held the position of Nasi, the hereditary position of spiritual leader of the generation

22)[line 13]מסתפרMISTAPER- one may receive a haircut

23)[line 14]שיגערו בו חבריוYIG'ARU VO CHAVERAV- his friends admonish him

24)[line 17]ולשמחת מריעותL'SIMCHAS MEREI'US- [that which one may attend a celebration after only thirty days refers] to a social gathering [but not to a wedding, which is a happier event]

25)[line 20]לאלתרL'ALTAR- immediately

26a)[line 22]הא באריסותאHA B'ARISUSA- that [social event which one may not attend is] a meal served to others with the expectation that they will reciprocate in kind

b)[line 22]הא בפורענותאHA B'PUR'ANUSA- that [social event which one may host is] a meal served in reciprocation for a similar meal one has attended in the past

27)[line 23]קורע טפחKORE'A TEFACH- one should rend [his garment for the length of] a Tefach (the width of an average fist:; this is equal to 8 centimeters (approximately 3.07 inches) or 9.6 centimeters (approximately 3.7 inches), depending on the differing Halachic opinions)

28)[line 24]"ויחזק דוד בבגדיו ויקרעם""VA'YACHAZEK DAVID BIV'GADAV VA'YIKRA'EM"- "And David held on to his clothing and tore them..." (Shmuel II 1:11) - This verse describes the reaction of David when he heard that Shaul ha'Melech and his son Yehonasan had been killed.

29)[line 25]אחיזהACHIZAH- grabbing

30)[line 26]לבוש עשרה חלוקיןLAVUSH ASARAH CHALUKIN- if one is wearing ten layers of clothing

31)[line 28]ואפיקרסותו אינה מעכבתAPIKARSUSO EINAH ME'AKEVES- one's (a) scarf (RASHI); (b) undergarment (RISHONIM cited by the NIMUKEI YOSEF); (c) overcoat (SHACH YD 340:10); (d) jacket (TAZ ibid.) need not be torn

32)[line 30]ומחזירתו לאחוריהMACHAZIRASO L'ACHOREHA- she should maneuver the tear so that it is behind herself

33)[line 32]מבדיל קמי שפה שלוMAVDIL KAMEI SAFAH SHELO- he may tear (a) [beginning] in front of the hem [around his neckline so that the tear is obvious] (RASHI); (b) through the hem [around his neckline so that the garment falls apart] (RASHI KSAV YAD) (see Insights #2)

34)[line 35]קרע של תיפלותKERA SHEL TIFLUS- a worthless tearing

35)[line 37]"[ואלישע רֹאֶה והוא מְצַעֵק אבי אבי רכב ישראל ופרשיו, ולא ראהו עוד;] ויחזק בבגדיו ויקרעם לשנים קרעים""V'ELISHA RO'EH V'HU METZA'EK, 'AVI AVI RECHEV YISRAEL UFARASHAV!' V'LO RA'AHU OD; VA'YACHAZEK BIV'GADAV VA'YIKRA'EM LI'SHNAYIM KERA'IM" - "And Elisha saw that which occurred, and he cried out, 'Father, father - chariot of Yisrael and its riders!' And he did not see him any longer, and he held onto his clothing and tore them into two pieces" (Melachim II 2:12) (ELIYAHU ASCENDS TO HEAVEN)

(a)Eliyahu ha'Navi's time on this world was drawing to a close. In what would be the final miracle he was to perform, he split the Yarden (Jordan) river and crossed it on dry land together with his disciple Elisha.

(b)While crossing, Eliyahu asked what favor he could perform for Elisha before he was taken. Elisha requested a spirit of prophecy twice that of his Rebbi. Eliyahu replied that this request was a difficult one for him to fulfill (for how can one grant another that which he himself does not possess?). He notified Elisha that if he would be able to observe the proceedings when Eliyahu would be taken to Shamayim, then he would know that his request had been granted. A fiery chariot and fiery horses appeared and separated the two, and Eliyahu ascended (alive) in a stormy wind to Heaven (Melachim II 2:11).

36a)[line 40]שוללSHOLEL- one may sew [the tear in his garment] with loose stitching (O.F. bastir - baste)

b)[line 40]מאחהME'ACHEH- one may sew properly (O.F. cosdre - sew)

37a)[line 44]בידB'YAD- [raggedly] with his hand

b)[line 44]בכליB'KLI- [neatly] with a utensil (such as a knife)

38)[line 45]מבפניםMIBI'FNIM- [one may tear] within [(a) his outer garment (RASHI); (b) his house, as opposed to in public] (NIMUKEI YOSEF)

39)[line 46]לא הושווLO HUSHVU- the [Chachamim] did not equate [one's Rebbi, an Av Beis Din, or a Nasi to his parents]

40)[line 47]לאיחויL'ICHUY- regarding [the prohibition against repairing the tear one rent in his garment with] loose stitching

41)[line 47]נשיאה שכיבNESI'AH SHACHIV- the Nasi passed away

42a)[line 48]כפי אסיתאKEFI ASISA- turn over a mortar

b)[line 48]וקום עלהV'KUM ALAH- and stand upon it

43)[line 48]ואחויACHAVI- show

44a)[line 49]חכםCHACHAM- the Halachic authority of a town

b)[line 50]אב בית דיןAV BEIS DIN- the head of the local Beis Din

45)[last line]ובני הכנסתBNEI HA'KENESES- the members of the congregation