MENACHOS 47 (21 Nisan) - dedicated by Mr. Michael Missry in memory of his brother, Joseph M. (Yosef ben Arlene) Missry.


WHAT DOES A TEFACH WIDE BORDER PERMIT? (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 3 Halachah 1 Daf 14a)

[ãó ëå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éöç÷ åøáé àéîé äååï éúáéï î÷ùéé úðéðï äéä ìä âåáì âáåä èôç æåøòéï áúåëä ùìùä òùø ùìùä òì ëì âåáì åâåáì åàçã áàîöò. ðéúðé (ùùä)[çîùä] áàîöò.


R. Yizchak and R. Imi were sitting and they had a difficulty with the Mishnah. The Mishnah taught that if it had a Tefach wide border (that was a Tefach tall), he may plant in it 13 - three along each border and one in the middle of the bed. Why didn't the Mishnah permit planting 5 in the middle (as the Mishnah had previously permitted)?

úéôúø ùäâåáìéï îîòèéï ùùä.


Answer: Since he must make a space of 11/2 Tefachim from the border in every direction (because of the species planted on the border), there is only a space of 3 by 3 Tefachim to plant in the bed.

àí ëùäâåáìéï îîòèéï ùùä áãä úðéðï øáé éåãä àåîø ùùä [ãó éã òîåã á] áàîöò.


Question: If the border species reduces the permitted space for planting, why did R. Yehuda permit planting 6 species within a bed?

å÷ééîðåä åìà éãòéï àé çáøéà ÷ééîðåä àé øáé àéîé ÷ééîä òì øàùä.


Answer: The Chevraya or R. Imi explained it...R. Yehuda was commenting on the first case of the Mishnah, but in the latter case, when there is a border, he agrees that only one species may be planted in the bed.

[ãó ëå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åàéï òì øàùä áãä úðé ø' çééä øáé éåãä àåîø ùîåðä òùø.


Question: R. Chiya taught in a Baraisa that R. Yehuda permits planting 18 species, which indicates that R. Yehuda was commenting on the latter case? (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)

îäå ìä÷øéç áéú øåáò åìæøò áúåëå çîùä îéðé úáåàä.


Question: Is it permitted to leave an empty space the size of a Beis Rova and plant 5 species there?

îä àí ùùä òì ùùä ùìå÷éï òìéå ãáø úåøä àú àîø îåúø. ëàï ùàéï ìå÷éï òìéå ãáø úåøä ìà ëì ùëï.


Answer: If in an area of land 6 by 6 Tefachim, for which one incurs lashes by Torah law for leaving less than that space between fields of different seeds, it is permitted to plant 5 species there; here where there are no lashes incurred by Torah law, certainly it is permitted.

îäå ìä÷øéç áúçéìú ùùä ìäéåú îéöø åäåìê.


Question: Is it permitted to leave a space between the beginning of two fields of seeds, that narrows until the two species meet?

îä àí áùòä ùòáåãä ôåâòú áòáåãä àú àî' îåúø. ëàï ùàéï òáåãä ôåâòú áòáåãä ìà ë"ù.


Answer: If even one specie's work access area meets another specie's work access area, you say that it is permitted to plant many species; here, concerning two fields where they don't meet, certainly it is permitted.

ìà öåøëä ãé ìà. îäå ìä÷øéç áúçéìú áéú øåáò ìäéåú îéöø åäåìê.


Question: There's no doubt that that case is permitted, but the question is - is it permitted to leave a space at the beginning of a Beis Rova, that narrows until the two species meet?

îä àí ùùä òì ùùä ùìå÷éï òìéå ãáø úåøä àú àîø îåúø. ëàï ùàéï ìå÷éï òìéå ãáø úåøä ìà ëì ùëï.


Answer: If even a 6 by 6 Tefach area, for which planting mix species there incurs lashes by Torah law, it is permitted; here, where lashes are not incurred by Torah law, certainly it would be permitted.

[ãó ëæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé ðñà ùàì ìà îñúáøà áââå ùì âåáì ùðé èôçéí îåúø ìæøåò áå ùðé îéðéï.


Question #1 (R. Nasa): (The Mishnah (Menachos 45(b)) taught that if the bed had a Tefach wide border that was a Tefach tall, he may plant 12 species around the border.) Isn't it logical to say that if the border has a 2 Tefach tall border, it would be permitted to plant two species on top of it. (The Gemara doesn't respond to this question.)