
THE PROHIBITION OF GRAFTING (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 7 Daf 3a)

îùðä àéï îáéàéï àéìï áàéìï éø÷ áéø÷ åìà àéìï áéø÷ åìà éø÷ áàéìï øáé éäåãä îúéø éø÷ áàéìï:


(Mishnah): One may not graft a tree onto a tree or a vegetable onto a vegetable, or a tree onto a vegetable, or a vegetable onto a tree. R. Yehuda permits grafting a vegetable onto a tree (and vice-versa).

âîøà îçìôä ùéèúéä ãø' éåãä. úîï äåà àîø ðåèì äåà àã' îòä àçú îôéèîä ùì àáèéç åîòä àçú îôéèîå ùì úôåç åðåúðï ìúåê âåîà àçú åäï îúàçéï åðòùéï ëìàéí. åëà äåà àîø äëéï.


(Gemara) Question: The opinion of R. Yehuda seems to have switched - there (earlier in Halacha 2) he said that a person sometimes plants a seed from the inner chamber of the Avatiach and a seed from the inner chamber of an apple and puts them in a pit and they combine and become Kilayim. But here, he said that there is no prohibition of Kilayim...?

úîï òì éãé ùäåà ðåúï æä áöã æä äï îúàçéï åðòùéï ëìàéí. áøí äëà éø÷ áàéìï äåà.


Answer: There, by putting them together, they combine and become Kiyalim; here, they do not combine.

[ãó â òîåã á] úðé îðééï ùàéï îøëéáéï òõ ñø÷ òì âáé òõ îàëì åìà òõ îàëì òì âáé òõ îàëì. îéï áùàéðå îéðå [ãó ä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îðééï


(Baraisa) Question: Where is it taught that one may not graft a non-fruit bearing tree with a fruit bearing tree or vice-versa - meaning that one may not graft one species with another...?

úìîåã ìå' (åé÷øà éè) àú ç÷åúé úùîåøå.


Answer: The pasuk states (Vayikra 19:19), "You shall keep My statutes: (You shall not crossbreed your animals with different species. You shall not sow your field with Kilayim (a mixture of seeds)"...

ø' éåðä ø' ìòæ' áùí ëäðà ãø' ìòæø äéà îùåí çå÷éí ùç÷÷úé (áòåìîé. îòúä àñåø) ìàãí äøàùåï.


(R. Yona/ R. Eliezer citing Kahana): This Baraisa follows the view of R. Eliezer (who taught in the Sifra that 'you shall keep My statutes' - statutes that I engraved (Chukim SheChakakti) for Adam at the time of creation, that each species should remain unto itself - applies to all of the things listed in the pasuk - including mixtures of seeds - and it applies to all descendants of Adam - even gentiles).

ø' éåñé áùí øáé äéìà ãáøé äëì äéà îùåí çå÷éí ùç÷÷úé áòåìîé.


(R. Yosi citing R. Hila): The Baraisa follows all opinions - even the Chachamim, who do not apply the prohibition of Kilayim to gentiles, agree that there is a prohibition of Kilayim because one is contradicting the rules established in the world (by its Creator).

îòúä àñåø ìäøëéá úàéðä ùçåøä òì âáé úàéðä ìáðä.


Question: If so, it should be forbidden to graft a black fig tree onto a white fig tree?

àîø øáé àáéï åìà îëìàé äáâãéí ìîãú. îä ëìàé áâãéí ùàîøúé ìê ùðé îéðéï ìà æä îîéï æä åìà æä îîéï æä. àó ëìàéí ùàñøúé ìê áëì î÷åí ìà æä îîéï æä åìà æä îîéï æä.


Answer (R. Avin): Didn't you learn it from Kilayim of garments, where the prohibition is only to mix two completely different species; so too, only two separate species are forbidden (but not different types of figs).

úðé áùí øáé ìòæø îåúø äåà âåé ìæøåò åììáåù ëìàéí. àáì ìà ìäøáéò áäîúå ëìàéí åìà ìäøëéá àéìðå ëìàéí. ìîä îôðé ùëúåá áäï ìîéðéäï.


Baraisa (citing R. Elazar): It's permitted for a gentile to plant and wear Kilayim, but not to crossbreed animals and not to cross-graft trees, as about those mixtures, the Torah said "Le'Minaihem".

åäøé ãùàéï ëúéá áäï ìîéðéäï.


Question: The word 'Le'Minaihen' is also used for vegetation (where there is no prohibition to graft vegetation together)?

àéï ëúéá áöéåé àìà áäåöàä.


Answer: The word 'Le'Minaihem' is not a command there but rather a description of their growth.

åàí ëï ìîä ðú÷ììä äàøõ.


Question: If so, why was the land cursed (when man and the snake were cursed, if it didn't contradict a command that it was given)?

[ãó å òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' éåãï áø ùìåí àîø òì éãé ùòáøä òì âæøåúéå ùì ä÷á"ä. (áøàùéú à) úãùà äàøõ ãùà òùá îæøéò æøò. åäéà ìà òùú àìà åúåöà äàøõ ãùà òùá îæøéò æøò ìîéðäå.


Answer (R. Yudan bar Shalom): As it transgressed the decrees of Hash-m - the pasuk says (Bereishis 1:11), "The land should produce vegetation, seed yielding herbs (and fruit trees producing fruit according to its kind)" (that the tree itself should be edible) and it actually did as the next pasuk describes, "And the land produced vegetation, seed yielding herbs according to its kind (and trees producing fruit)".

øáé ôéðçñ àîø ùîçä áöéååéä åäåñéôä àéìðé ñø÷.


(R. Pinchas): The land rejoiced at Hash-m's decree and it added even non-fruit bearing trees.

òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåãï áø ùìåí éôä ðú÷ììä äàøõ. òì ãòúéä ãøáé ôéðçñ ìîä ðú÷ììä äàøõ.


Question: According to R. Yudan bar Shalom, that the land transgressed the decree of Hash-m, it is understandable that it was cursed. But according to R. Pinchas, why was it cursed?

ëàéðù ãàîø ìéè áéæà ãëï àééð÷.


Answer: It's like a person who becomes angry at his friend and says, "Cursed are the breasts that nursed him".

åàúéà ëéé øáé ðúï ùìùä ðëðñå ìãéï åàøáòä éöàå î÷åììéï. àøåøä äàãîä áòáåøê.


This follows the view of R. Noson, who said that three were judged (for transgressing the word of Hash-m - Adam, Chava and the snake), but four came out cursed.

òã ëãåï ìéú ëúéá àìà áäîúê ìà úøáéò ëìàéí òåó îðéï


Question: The pasuk only mentioned the prohibition of crossbreeding animals. What's the source that it applies to birds?

àéú úðéé úðé îàú çå÷åúé úùîåøå åàéú úðé îáäîúê ìà úøáéò ëìàéí


Answer: Some learn it from the earlier pasuk (Vayikra 19:19), "You shall keep My statutes; some learn the meaning of "You shall not crossbreed your animals" from the pasuk about resting from work on Shabbos (Devarim 5:13) that also includes beasts and birds.

(äøëéá àéìï)[äøáéò áäîä] åäøáéò òåó îàï ãàî' îçå÷åúé úùîåøå çééá ùúéí îàï ãàî' îáäîúê ìà úøáéò àéðå çééá àìà àçú.


The practical difference between learning from these two sources is if a person crossbreeded animals and birds in the same act - according to the first source, he is liable to two sets of lashes; according to the second source, he is liable only once.

(áùäøáéò áäîä)[äøëéá àéìï] åäøáéò òåó îàï ãàîø îç÷åúé úùîåøå àéðå çééá àìà àçú îàï ãàîø îáäîúê ìà úøáéò ëìàéí çééá ùúéí.


If a person grafted a tree and crossbreeded birds in the same act, according to the first source he is liable once; according to the second source, he is liable twice.