[15a - 58 lines; 15b - 41 lines]

1)[line 1]לגזירה שוהGEZEIRAH SHAVAH

(a)In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. One of them is Gezeirah Shavah, which is a Halachic device by which two similar words in the Torah from different subjects teach that laws from one subject apply to the other.

(b)A sage is only permitted to use the method of Gezeirah Shavah if he received a tradition from his teachers that a Gezeirah Shavah exists between the two words. However, the comparison that he makes regarding which laws are applied from one subject to the other may be his own, if he did not learn it directly from his teachers.

2)[line 11]"הענק תעניק לו""HA'ANEK TA'ANIK LO"- "You surely must give gifts to him." (Devarim 15:14)

3)[line 15]לבעל חובוBA'AL CHOVO- his creditor

4)[line 17]לנושה בחברו מנהNOSHEH B'CHAVEIRO MANEH- one who demands from another person the repayment of a loan of a Maneh (100 Zuz)

5)[line 25]"[לא יקשה בעינך בשלחך אתו חפשי מעמך] כי משנה שכר שכיר [עבדך שש שנים...]""[LO YIKSHEH V'EINECHA B'SHALECHACHA OSO CHOFSHI ME'IMACH,] KI MISHNEH SECHAR SACHIR [AVADCHA SHESH SHANIM...]"- "[It shall not be difficult in your eyes when you send him free,] because double that of a hired worker [did he work for you for six years...]" (Devarim 15:18)

6)[line 35]"[ויצא מעמך הוא ובניו עמו...] ושב אל משפחתו...""[V'YATZA ME'IMACH HU U'VANAV...] V'SHAV EL MISHPACHTO..."- "[And then he and his children shall leave you...] and he shall return to his family..." (Vayikra 25:41)

7)[line 46]"[וקדשתם את שנת החמישים...] ושבתם איש אל אחזתו ואיש אל משפחתו תשבו...""[V'KIDASHTEM ES SHENAS HA'CHAMISHIM...] V'SHAVTEM ISH EL ACHUZASO, V'ISH EL MISHPACHTO TASHUVU."- "[And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year...] and you shall return each man to his possession, and each man to his family shall you return." (Vayikra 25:10)

8)[line 51]דלא מטאי זמניהD'LO MATAI ZIMNEI- that his time has not yet come (i.e. the Yovel year arrived before his six years of servitude concluded)

9)[line 54]"[...ועבדו] לעולם""[... VA'AVADO] L'OLAM."- "[... and he shall serve him] forever." (Shemos 21:6)

10)[line 55]לעולם ממשL'OLAM MAMASH- literally forever


11)[line 1]"ואם לא יגאל באלה""V'IM LO YIGA'EL B'ELEH"- "If he is not redeemed by these (relatives), [he shall go out in the Yovel year, he and his children with him]." (Vayikra 25:54)

12)[line 1]ואם לא יגאל באלהV'IM LO YIGA'EL B'ELEH (NIMKAR L'OVED KOCHAVIM - a Jewish slave sold to a Nochri)

The Torah (Vayikra 25:47-55) relates the laws of a Jew who sells himself, out of impoverishment, to a Nochri. The Torah mandates that his close relatives ("his uncle or cousin") redeem him, and if he obtains the means, that he redeem himself, in order not to assimilate into the culture of the Nochrim (see Kidushin 21b).

13)[line 1]באלה הוא נגאלB'ELEH HU NIG'AL- with these (i.e. relatives) he is redeemed (but not with the completion of six years of servitude)

14)[line 9]"[או דדו או בן דדו יגאלנו או משאר בשרו ממשפחתו] יגאלנו [או השיגה ידו ונגאל]""[O DODO O VEN-DODO YIG'ALENU, O MI'SHE'ER BESARO MI'MISHPACHTO] YIG'ALENU [O HISIGAH YADO VE'NIG'AL.]"- "[Either his uncle or his cousin shall redeem him, or the closest relative from his family] shall redeem him, [or if he obtains the means, he shall redeem himself.]" (Vayikra 25:49)

15)[line 22]מקרא נדרש לפניו / מקרא נדרש לאחריו / מקרא נדרש בין לפניו בין לאחריוMIKRA NIDRASH LEFANAV / MIKRA NIDRASH L'ACHARAV / MIKRA NIDRASH LEFANAV UL'ACHARAV

In a number of places in Shas, different views are cited regarding whether a phrase in a verse is expounded to explain words that precede it ("Mikra Nidrash Lefanav"), or it is expounded to explain words that follow it ("Mikra Nidrash l'Acharav"), or whether it is expounded to explain words that both precede and follow it ("Mikra Nidrash Lefanav ul'Acharav").

16)[line 22]שדיSHADI- place (literally "throw") [the phrase referring to the redemption of relatives, mentioned first in the verse, together with the phrase that refers to redemption by the Eved of himself]

17)[line 32]הוו מימנעי ולא פרקי ליהHAVU MIMNE'EI V'LO FARKEI LEI- they (the non-relatives) would refrain and would not redeem him at all

18)[line 35]אזל ומזבין נפשיהAZAL U'MAZBIN NAFSHEI- he would go and sell himself [everyday to a Nochri, relying on his relatives to redeem him each time]

19)[line 40]"... ויצא בשנת היובל...""...V'YATZA BI'SHNAS HA'YOVEL..."- "... he shall go out in the Yovel year..." (Vayikra 25:54)