[79a - 40 lines; 79b - 45 lines]

1)[line 1]אתאי לקמיה דרב נחמןASA'I L'KAMEI D'RAV NACHMAN- she came in front of Rav Nachman [to protest that her daughter refused to return her property]

2)[line 1]קרעיהKAR'EI- he ripped it

3)[line 2]חזי מרCHAZI MAR- see, Mar (a third-person term of respect)

4)[line 3]נחמן חקלאהNACHMAN CHAKLA'AH- Nachman the farmer (a term intimating that he was not a Talmid Chacham)

5)[line 4]איזיEIZI- my good friend (MAHARSHAL to Bava Metzia 70a)

6)[line 4]גופא דעובדאGUFA D'UVDA- the actual incident; i.e., the whole story

7)[line 5]שטר מברחתSHTAR MAVRACHAS- a document that transfers ownership of property to one person for the sole purpose of withholding it from another

8)[line 6]מורה הוראה אניMORAH HORA'AH ANI- I have [received] the right to rule on Halachic matters [from the Reish Galusa (Exilarch), he who holds the hereditary position of religious leader of Babylonian Jewry)

9)[line 9]שביקSHAVIK- desert

10)[line 9]יהיבYAHIV- give

11)[line 11]נפשה עדיפא להNAFSHAH ADIFA LAH- she places herself first

12)[line 13]שטר פסיםSHTAR PASIM- lit. a document of appeasement; a document describing a loan or transfer of property that has never actually taken place. One may have been convinced by another to write such a document so that the receiver will appear richer than he truly is, or, as in the case of our Gemara, one may have been convinced to receive such a document so as to withhold property from another (similar to a Shtar Mavrachas, see above, entry #7).

13)[line 14]רצה מצחק בהRATZAH METZACHEK BAH- if [the recipient] wishes, he may play with her [and claim that the property is, indeed, his]

14)[line 15]מהיום ולכשארצהMEHA'YOM ULECHESHE'ERTZEH- (a) [the property will be yours retroactively] from today from the time that I decide [to give it you] (RASHI, RAMBAM); (b) [the property is yours] from today, but only until I decide [that I want it back] (TOSFOS RID, RABEINU CHANANEL) (see Insights)

15a)[line 17]הא בכולהHA B'CHULAH- that [which she did not truly intend to gift her property may be assumed in a case] in [which she gave] all of it [away]

b)[line 17]הא במקצתהHA B'MIKTZASAH- that [which the recipient may keep the property is in a case] in [which she gave] part of it [away]

16)[line 17]ואי לא קננהי לוקח, ניקנינהו בעל!V'IY LO KENINHI LOKE'ACH, NIKNINHU BA'AL!- if the recipient has not acquired [the property when she gifted it all], then her husband should acquire it! (see Insights)

17)[line 19]כנכסים שאין ידועין לבעלK'NECHASIM SHE'EIN YEDU'IM L'VA'AL- similar to property that the husband is not aware of [since in this case as well he did not expect to receive it] (see Insights)

18)[line 20]כספיםKESAFIM- coins

19)[line 21]תלושיןTELUSHIM- detached

20)[line 24]שמין אותה כמה היא יפהSHAMIN OSAH KAMAH HI YAFAH- we assess the value of [the field]

21)[line 25]מותרMOSAR- the difference

22)[line 26]המחוברים לקרקע שלוHA'MECHUBARIM L'KARKA SHELO- that which is attached to the ground belongs to him [since there is land to function as the principle (Keren), allowing the produce to gain the status of profit (Peiros)]

23a)[line 29]מקום שיפה כחו בכניסתהMAKOM SHE'YAFEH KOCHO BI'CHNISASAH- where he has the upper hand [regarding that which his wife inherits] when she is married to him

b)[line 29]הורע כחו ביציאתהHORA KOCHO BI'YETZI'ASAH- he is limited [regarding his wife's Nichsei Milug] when he divorces her

24)[line 34]פשיטא ארעא ובתי, ארעאPESHITA AR'A U'VATEI, AR'A- it is clear [that if one of the partners in the marriage prefers to purchase] land [with the money that she inherited] and [the other prefers to purchase] houses, [then] land [should be purchased, since land lasts longer than houses - which is beneficial for her - and growing crops is more profitable than charging rent for the houses, which is beneficial for him]

25)[line 34]דיקליDIKLEI- date palms

26)[line 35]אילניILANEI- trees [other than date palms]

27)[line 35]גופניGUFNEI- grapevines

28a)[line 36]אבאIBA- a forest [whose trees are useful only for firewood]

b)[line 36]זרדתאZARDESA- service trees [which are intended for firewood]

c)[line 36]פירא דכווריPIRA D'CHAVREI- a fish pond (O.F. vivier)

29a)[line 36]אמרי לה פיראAMRI LAH PEIRA- some say [that the firewood and fish have the status of] profit [since they will be replaced]

b)[line 37]ואמרי לה קרנאV'AMRI LAH KARNA- some say [that the firewood and fish have the status of] principle [since that particular tree or fish will not return]

30)[line 37]גזעו מחליףGIZ'O MACHALIF- lit. that whose trunk regrows; i.e., that which regenerates


31)[line 1]ולדVLAD- the offspring

32)[line 1]תשלומי כפלTASHLUMEI CHEFEL

See Background to 41:2.

33)[line 6]פירא דפיראPEIRA D'FEIRA- profit two stages removed from the principle; here, the Kefel generated by the offspring of her animal

34)[line 8]היינו דלא (חיישינן) [חייש] למיתהHAINU D'LO (CHAISHINAN) [CHAYASH] L'MISAH- [his opinion is based upon] that which he is not concerned that [the mother animal or slave] will die soon [in which case the offspring would have the status of Peiros since it would be necessary to replace its mother]

35)[line 12]עורהORAH- its hide [which has value and remains hers after its death]

36)[line 15]נותנת דמים ונוטלתןNOSENES DAMIM V'NOTLASAN- she has the right to pay [their] value and purchase them [from her former husband against his will]

37)[line 16]שבח בית אביהSHEVACH BEIS AVIHA- the honor of her father's house; i.e., that which her former possessions have sentimental value makes them more valuable to her then their monetary equivalent

38a)[line 17]עז לחלבהEZ L'CHELBAH- a goat whose primary purpose is to provide milk

b)[line 17]רחל לגיזתהRACHEL L'GIZASAH- a sheep whose primary purpose is to provide wool (see Insights)

39)[line 19]עד שתכלה הקרןAD SHE'TICHLEH HA'KEREN- until the principle (in this case, the primary purpose) is completely depleted

40)[line 19]עיילא ליה גלימאAILA LEI GELIMA- if she brought a cloak into the marriage

41)[line 20]מכסי ביה ואזיל עד דכליאMECHASI BEI V'AZIL AD D'CHALYA- he may continue to cover himself with it until it is worn out [and then return the rags to his wife]

42a)[line 21]כמאן?K'MAN?- which opinion [that rules that even a bit of the principle is enough to return to one's wife] does this follow?

b)[line 21]כי האי תנאKI HAI TANA- that of the following Tana (namely, the Rabanan who disagree with Rebbi Meir)

43a)[line 21]המלחHA'MELACH- a salt pit [that constantly regenerates due to sea water that washes in and then evaporates]

b)[line 22]החולHA'CHOL- a sand pit [that constantly refills]

c)[line 22]פיר של גפריתPIR SHEL GAFRIS- a sulfur pit [whose contents do not regenerate]

d)[line 22]מחפורת של צריףMACHPORES SHEL TZARIF- a deposit of alum (used as dye-fixer for wool) [whose contents do not regenerate]

44)[line 23]פירותPEIROS- they have the status of profit [since the underlying land remains] (see Insights)

45)[line 24]היינו ת''ק!HAINU TANA KAMA!- this is the same opinion expressed [by the Chachamim mentioned] earlier in our Mishnah!

46)[line 25]מחוברין בשעת יציאה איכא בינייהוMECHUBARIN B'SHA'AS YETZI'AH IKA BEINAIHU- the difference between them is in the case of produce attached to the ground when she is divorced [as Rebbi Shimon rules that they belong to her, and the Chachamim maintain that her husband acquired them even before they were detached]

47)[line 26]זקניםZEKENIM- old (although not too old to be of some value)

48)[line 28]לא תמכורLO TIMKOR- she cannot [be forced to] sell

49a)[line 29]זיתיםZEISIM- olive trees

b)[line 29]גפניםGEFANIM- grapevines

50)[line 32]מחלוקתMACHLOKES- the disagreement [of the Tana Kama and Rebbi Yehudah regarding olive trees and grapevines]

51)[line 33]בשדה שאינה שלהB'SADEH SHE'EINAH SHELAH- [if the trees themselves belong to her but they grow] in a field that she does not own

52)[line 3]קא כליא קרנאKA KALYA KARNA- the principle (in this case, the trees) is being depleted

53)[line 35]כי שדה שאינה שלה דמיKI SADEH SHE'EINAH SHELAH DAMYA- they are comparable to [trees growing in] a field that does not belong to her [since there will nothing left for her when they die]

54)[line 40]הוצאותHOTZA'OS- expenses

55)[line 40]נכסי אשתוNICHSEI ISHTO- Nichsei Milug belonging to his wife (see Background to 66:17)

56)[line 41]קימעאKIM'A- a small amount

57)[last line]גרוגרתGROGERES- a dried fig

58)[last line]דרך כבודDERECH KAVOD- in a respectable manner [leisurely at his table] (TALMIDEI D'RABEINU YONAH cited by the SHITAH MEKUBETZES)