[43a - 48 lines; 43b - 44 lines]

1)[line 3]מידי דקיץMIDI D'KAYITZ- a payment where the amount is fixed and is not dependent upon the value of the damage done

2)[line 11]לאו מדידהו מיתזנאLAV MI'DIDHU MITZENA- that is, the brother's who feed their sister after their father's death do so against their will (due to the Tenai Kesuvah), and not willingly, like the father. (RASHI, TOSFOS)

3)[line 7]בת הניזונת מן האחיןBAS HA'NIZONES MIN HA'ACHIN- a daughter who is provided for by her brothers from their father's estate. One of the of stipulations of marriage that is imposed by Beis Din is that after the father dies, his daughters must be allowed to live in the house in which he lived, and must be provided for by his household, until they get married.

4)[line 12]אלמנה ניזונת מנכסי יתומיםALMANAH NIZONES MI'NICHSEI YESOMIM

One of the Tena'ei Kesuvah that was instituted by the Chachamim was that if a man dies before his wife, she must be allowed to live in the house in which he lived and must be provided for by his household until she remarries. (This stipulation was only made in Yerushalayim and the Galil. In Yehudah, the heirs reserved for themselves the right to give her the value of her Kesuvah and have her find herself a new home.) (Mishnah, Kesuvos 52b)

5)[line 13]בהרווחהB'HARVACHAH- with profit (which can be used for her dowry)

6)[line 18]ישאלו על הפתחיםYISH'ALU AL HA'PESACHIM- should beg for money at people's doorways

7)[line 20]זילותאZILUSA- disgrace

8)[line 27]עשה עמי ואיני זנךASEH IMI V'EINI ZANCHA- work for me but I will not feed you

9)[line 29]"עמך""IMACH"- "[And it shall be, if he (the Jewish slave) says to you, 'I will not go away from you;' because he loves you and your house, because he is well-off] with you." (Devarim 15:16)

10)[line 29]כל שכן בתוKOL SHE'KEN BITO- that is, even a girl's father is not given what she produces if he does not feed her (and certainly her brothers do not get what she produces after the father dies, if they do not feed her)

11)[line 31]להעדפהL'HA'ADAFAH- for the surplus [of her Ma'aseh Yadayim (the amount that she earns) over her Mezonos (the amount of her sustenance)]

12)[line 35]מציאתה ממאן גביאMETZI'ASAH, MI'MAN GAVYA!?- From whom does she collect objects that she finds?!

13)[line 36]מה מציאתה בחיי האב לאבMAH METZI'ASAH B'CHAYEI HA'AV LA'AV...- that is, just as the brother's are not entitled to keep what their sister finds even if they are supporting her (since the logic of "Eivah" does not apply when they feed her against their will), so too they are not entitled to keep what she produces even if they are supporting her.

14)[line 42]"והתנחלתם...""V'HISNACHALTEM..."- "And you shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your slaves for ever; but over your brothers, the people of Israel, you shall not rule one over another with rigor." (Vayikra 25:46)

15)[line 44]זכות בתוZECHUS BITO- the rights of entitlement to the earnings, findings, money of Kidushin, etc. of his daughter

16)[line 45]וחבלותV'CHAVALOS

See Background to 32:1.

17)[line 47]חבלות צערא דגופא נינהוCHAVALOS?! TZA'ARA D'GUFA NINHU!- [Could it possibly be that the verse limits] Chavalos (injuries)?! They are afflictions of her person (the payments for which she alone is entitled)!


18)[line 1]שפצעה בפניהSHE'PATZ'AH B'FANEHA- where he wounded her face (causing a loss in her value, which belongs to the father)

19)[line 7]שקוד אמרהSHAKUD AMRAH- Shakud (lit. the industrious/vigilant one) said it

20)[line 15]הראשונהHA'RISHONAH- the dowry paid for the first marriage

21)[line 20]בתרי זמני הויא חזקהBI'TREI ZIMNEI HAVYAH CHAZAKAH

Rebbi is of the opinion that after an event occurs two times, we can presume that it will happen again under the same conditions until there is evidence of a change. Raban Shimon ben Gamliel argues and maintains that we make this presumption only after the event occurs three times (Nidah 64a). According to Rebbi, if a woman was widowed two times, she may not remarry, since we presume that her third husband will also die.

22)[line 30]ומיגבא מאימת גביאU'MIGVA ME'EIMAS GAVYA- if her husband dies and she collects the Kesuvah, how far in the past does her Shibud (lien) on the property of her husband go? (That is, if necessary, can she collect her Kesuvah by reclaiming property that her husband sold to others between her Erusin and her Nisu'in, or only by reclaiming property that he sold after the Nisu'in.) See Insights.

23a)[line 31]מנה מאתיםMANEH MASAYIM - 100 or 200 Zuzim (KESUVAH)

See Background to 7:4.

b)[line 31]ותוספתV'TOSEFES- any additional money that the husband wishes to add to the Kesuvah

24a)[line 36]מזמן ראשוןMI'ZEMAN RISHON- from the time that the first Kesuvah was written

b)[line 37]מזמן שניMI'ZEMAN SHENI- from the time that the second Kesuvah was written

25)[line 42]צביתי ואוסיפית לךTZEVISI V'OSEIFIS LACH- I desired and added [to the Kesuvah] for you

26)[line 43]גביאתGEVI'AS- you wish to collect