
A LOAN TO BE COLLECTED FROM MATANOS (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 7 Daf 18a)

מתני' המלוה מעות את הכהן ואת הלוי ואת העני להיות מפריש עליהן מחלקן מפריש עליהן בחזקת שהן קיימין


(Mishnah): If one lent money to a Kohen, Levi or Oni (poor person), on condition to separate for him from his portion (Terumah, Ma'aser Rishon or Ma'aser Oni, and he will keep it, and deduct its value from the loan), he may separate for him, based on the Chazakah that [the borrower] is still alive.

ואינו חושש שמא מת כהן או לוי או שמא העשיר העני


He need not be concerned that the Kohen or Levi died, or that the Oni became rich [and is no longer entitled to Ma'aser Oni].

מתו צריך ליטול רשות מן היורשין


If he hears that [the borrower] died, he must ask his heirs for permission [to keep tithes to which the heirs are entitled].

ואם הלוום בפני בית דין אינו צריך ליטול רשות:


If the loan was made in front of Beis Din, he need not ask the heirs for permission.

גמ' רבי אבהו בשם ריש לקיש דרבי יוסי היא


(Gemara - R. Avahu citing Reish Lakish): Our Mishnah is like R. Yosi [who says that Chachamim enacted that it is as if one acquired, even though mid'Oraisa he did not acquire];

דתנינן תמן ר' יוסי אומר כל שיש חליפין ביד כהן פטור מן המתנות ורבי מאיר מחייב.


(Mishnah - R. Yosi): (If it was a Safek which of two animals is a Bechor, the Kohen takes one, and the second grazes until it gets a Mum, then the owner eats it like Chulin.) R. Yosi says, whenever the Kohen has something in place of it, it is exempt from Matanos (one who slaughters a Chulin animal must give the foreleg, jaw and stomach to a Kohen). R. Meir obligates.

כלום אמר רבי יוסי לא בקיים. ברם הכא עד כדון בעי מיזרע.


Objection: R. Yosi said so only about something already existing. Here, [the tithes are not yet in the world -] he needs to sow...

רבי אבהו בשם רבי יוחנן במכרי כהונה ולויה היא מתניתא.


(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): Our Mishnah discusses Makirei Kehunah and Leviyah (he always gives his Terumah/Ma'aser to this Kohen/Levi).

והא תנינן עני. ויש מכר לעני.


Question: Our Mishnah discusses also [separating for] an Oni. Is there Makirei Oni?!


Note: Many say that there are no Makirei Oni, for the giver has no Tovas Hana'ah (he may not choose to whom to give). This is difficult. Perhaps he lent in order to collect from Matanos Aniyim for which there is Tovas Hana'ah, e.g. Ma'aser Oni given out from the house, or Tzedakah! Some say that it is because "Kol Achei Rash Sene'uhu" (people dislike Aniyim - SEFER NIR), or because Chachamim would not enact for one who wants to give all his Matanos Aniyim to one Ani (ME'OR HA'SIMCHAH, Sof Ha'arah 20), or because the other Aniyim do not despair, or because one cannot make a lifelong designation (perhaps the Oni will get rich) - DEVAR AVRAHAM Sof 1:1.

אתא עובדא קומי ר' אימי כהן לוי שהיה חייב לישראל מעות


Question: A case came in front of R. Imi. If a Kohen or Levi owed money to a Yisrael, and said to him 'separate for me from my portion' (is this permitted)?

ואמר לו הפרש עליהן מחלקי אמר ליה ולא תנינן אלא המלוה מעות את הכהן ואת הלוי ואת העני להיות מפריש עליהן מחלקו בשהלוהו על מנת כן.


Answer #1 (R. Imi): Our Mishnah taught only if one lent money to a Kohen, Levi or Oni on condition to separate for him from his portion, i.e. when he lent to him with this stipulation;

[דף יח עמוד ב] הא לא הלווהו על מנת כן לא.


Inference: If he did not lend to him with this stipulation, he may not.

רבי זעירא אמר אפילו לא הלוהו על מנת כן.


Answer #2 (R. Zeira): Even if he did not lend to him with this stipulation [it is permitted].

חיליה דר' זעירא מן הדא וכן בן לוי שהיה חייב לישראל מעות אמר לו הפרש עליהן מחלקי. לא יהא גובה ומפריש שאין לוי עושה לוי.


R. Ze'ira learns from the following (Beraisa). Similarly, if a Levi owed a Yisrael money, and he said to him 'separate for me from my portion', he may not collect [Ma'aser from others] and separate (keep it due to the loan), for a Levi cannot make [a Yisrael] a Levi [to collect Ma'aser];

שלא אמר אלא לא יהא גובה ומפריש הא משלו מפריש.


Inference: It forbids only to collect [from others] and separate, but he may separate from his own (even though he did not lend initially with this stipulation).

לית כאן אינו חושש אבל חושש הוא שלא יעשיר העני.


[The correct text of our Mishnah] does not say 'he need not be concerned [lest the Oni became rich].' Rather, he is concerned lest the Oni become rich (he may separate only if he knows that he is still poor).

ותני כן המלוה מעות את העני והעשיר אין מפרישין עליהן שאין מפרישין על האבוד.


Support (Beraisa): If one lent to an Oni and he became rich, he may not separate for him, for one may not separate on what was lost. (He stipulated to collect only from his Matanos Aniyim, and now the borrower may not receive them.)

רבי חייה בר עוקבה בשם רבי יוסי בשם רבי חנינה ביורשי כהונה ולויה היא מתניתא. אבל ביורשי עני אין לעני נחלה.


(R. Chiya bar Ukvah citing R. Yosi citing R. Chaninah): Our Mishnah [says that if the borrower died, the lender must ask his heirs for permission to continue. It] discusses heirs of Kehunah and Leviyah, but [not] heirs of an Oni, for there is no inheritance of poverty. (I.e. if the heirs are entitled to Matanos Aniyim, it is because they are Aniyim; it is not due to their father. Therefore, the lender may not separate from what they are entitled to receive. - AMUDEI YERUSHALAYIM, from RASHBA 30a.)

תני בר קפרא אין לך אדם שאינו בא לידי מידה זו אם לא הוא בנו. אם לא בנו בן בנו.


(Bar Kapara - Beraisa): There is no one who does not come to this Midah (poverty), either he, or his son, and if not his son, his son's son.

הדא אמרה יכול הוא לחזור בו.


Inference: [The borrower] can retract. (PNEI MOSHE - we infer this, for the lender must ask the heirs for permission.)

המלוה מהו שיחזור בו.


Question: Can the lender retract?

נישמעינה מן הדא המלוה מעות את העני והעשיר אין מפרישין עליהן שאין מפרישין על האבוד וזכה העני במה שיש בידו.


Answer: We learn from the following (Beraisa). If one lent to an Oni and he became rich, he may not separate for him, for one may not separate on what was lost. The Oni merited [to keep] the money in his hand.

הדא אמרה המלוה אינו יכול לחזור בו.


Inference: This teaches that the lender cannot retract.

לית הדא פליגא על דרב דרב אמר יורש כמשועבד.


Question: Is our Mishnah not difficult for Rav? Rav said that an heir is like Meshubad (i.e. a buyer, regarding liens);

כשם שאין מלוה בעדים נגבית מן המשועבדין כך אינה נגבית מן היורשין.


Just like a loan through witnesses (i.e. without a document) is not collected from Meshubadim, so it is not collected from heirs! (Why does permission of heirs permit to separate? We should say that there is no lien against the heirs, and one may not separate on what was lost!)

פתר לה במלוה בשטר.


Answer: He explains that [our Mishnah discusses] a loan with a document.

רבי אבהו בשם ר' יוחנן מלוה בעדים נגבית מן היורשין ובלבד יורשין שירשו קרקע.


(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): A loan through witnesses is collected from heirs, but only from heirs who inherited land.

כהדא אילין דרב נחמיה אשאלון לציבורייא פריטין אתא עובדא קומי רבנין אמרין ליה לית ציבור כוליה עתר לית ציבור כוליה מיעני:


This is like these people of R. Nechemyah's house. They lent to the Tzibur coins [for Tzedakah]. The case came in front of Rabanan. They said to him, you do not have an entire Tzibur of Ashirim, and not an entire Tzibur of Aniyim. (There will always be Aniyim, therefore they can always collect.)