[a - 53 lines; b - 49 lines]

1)[line 3]נקטיהNAKTEI- he grabbed [bar Kamtza]

2)[line 4]אמרAMAR- [bar Kamtza] said [to himself]

3)[line 5]מחוMACHU- protest

4)[line 6]איכול בהו קורצא בי מלכאEICHUL BEHU KURTZA BEI MALKA- I will slander them to the Caesar in his palace

5)[line 7]קיסרKEISAR- the Caesar

6)[line 7]מרדו בך יהודאי!MARDU BACH YEHUDA'EI!- the Jews are rebelling against you!

7)[line 8]שדר להו קורבנאSHADAR LEHU KURBENA- send a sacrifice to them [to be offered on your behalf]

8)[line 8]חזיתCHAZIS- see

9)[line 9]עגלא תלתאIGLA TILTA- a) a calf that has reached one-third [of its full growth, at which point it is tastiest] (RASHI to Eruvin 63a); b) a calf that has reached one-third [of its expected lifespan, at which point it has reached its full growth and is tastiest] (RASHI to Sanhedrin 65b); c) a calf that is [its mother's] third [offspring, which is especially well-developed and tasty] (RASHI ibid., to Shabbos 11a, and to Pesachim 68b); d) a fattened and tasty calf (TOSFOS DH Igla) (See Insights to Shabbos 136a)

10)[line 9]בהדי דקאתיBA'HADEI DEKA'ASI- along the way

11)[line 10]שדא ביה מומאSHADA BEI MUMA- he blemished [the sacrifice]

12)[line 10]ניב שפתיםNIV SEFASAYIM- upper lip

13)[line 11]דוקין שבעיןDOKIN SHEBA'AYIN- cataracts in the eye. Bar Kamtza knew how to cause a cataract to grow over the course of time that it took to travel to Yerushalayim; alternatively, he switched the animal with one that had a cataract (TESHUVOS HA'RASHBA; 1:326)

14)[line 11]דוכתאDUCHTA- a place

15)[line 11]לדידןL'DIDAN- according to us (i.e., Halachically speaking)

16)[line 13]למיקטליהSAVUR L'MIKTELEI- [the Chachamim] considered killing [bar Kamtza]

17)[line 15]ענוותנותוANVESANUSO- his willingness to forego (see Insights)

18)[line 16]שדר עלוייהו לנירון קיסרSHADAR ILAVAIHU L'NIRON KEISAR- [the Caesar] sent the emperor Nero to [attack] them

19)[line 16]שדא גיראSHADA GIRA- he shot an arrow

20)[line 18]ינוקאYENUKA- a child

21)[line 18]פסוק לי פסוקיךPESOK LI PESUKEICH- relate to me the verse that you [have just studied]. This is a manner of divination.

22)[line 18]"וְנָתַתִּי אֶת נִקְמָתִי בֶּאֱדוֹם בְּיַד עַמִּי יִשְׂרָאֵל...""V'NASATI ES NIKMASI BE'EDOM B'YAD AMI YISRAEL..."- "And I shall exact my revenge against Edom through my nation Yisrael ..." (Yechezkel 25:14). Edom is another name for Esav, from whom the Romans descended.

23a)[line 19]בעי לחרובי ביתיהBA'I LI'CHERUVEI BEISEI- wishes to destroy His house

b)[line 19]ובעי לכפורי ידיה בההוא גבראUVA'I LI'CHEFUREI YADEI B'HA'HU GAVRA- and He wishes to cleanse His hands [by taking revenge against] that man (referring to himself in the third person)

24)[line 20]ערקARAK- he ran away

25)[line 21]אספסיינוס קיסרASPASYANUS KEISAR- the Emperor Vespasian (who was not yet emperor)

26)[line 21]צר עלה תלת שניTZAR ALAH TELAS SHANEI- he besieged it for three years

27)[line 22]עתיריATIREI- wealthy individuals

28)[line 23]שנקדה לו חמה בעבורוSHE'NAKDAH LO CHAMAH BA'AVURO- in whose merit the sun pierced the clouds (see Ta'anis 20a)

29)[line 24]היתה ציצתו נגררת על גבי כסתותHAYESA TZITZASO NIGRERES AL GEVEI KESASOS- his Tzitzis dragged upon fine woolen sheets [that were set out before him to walk upon]

30)[line 25]היתה כסתו מוטלת בין גדולי רומיHAYESA KESASO MUTELES BEIN GEDOLEI ROMI- [his name was ben Tzitzis, and] his chair was placed among the leaders of Rome

31)[line 26]זיינאZAINA- sustain

32a)[line 26]חמראCHAMRA- wine

b)[line 26]מלחאMILCHA- salt

c)[line 26]משחאMISHCHA- oil

33)[line 27]ציביTZIVEI- kindling wood

34)[line 27]אקלידיAKLIDEI- keys

35)[line 28]אכלבא דחיטי בעי שיתין אכלבי דציביA'KALBA D'CHITEI BA'I SHITIN A'KALBEI D'TZIVEI- one storehouse of wheat requires sixty storehouses of wood [to cook it]

36)[line 29]שתאSHASA- years

37)[line 29]בריוניBIRYONEI- warmongering boors

38)[line 30]ניפוק ונעביד שלמא בהדייהוNEIPOK V'NA'AVID SHALMA BA'HADAIHU- let us go out [of the city] and make peace with them

39)[line 30]לא שבקינהוLO SHAVKINHU- [the Biryonim] did not let them [leave the city]

40)[line 31]קרבאKERAVA- war

41)[line 31]לא מסתייעא מילתאLO MISTAYEI'A MILSA- [a war] will be unsuccessful

42)[line 31]קלנהו להנהו אמבריKALANHU L'HANAHU AMBEREI- they burned down those storehouses

43)[line 32]כפנאKAFNA- famine

44)[line 33]סמידאSEMIDA- fine flour

45)[line 33]אדאזל, איזדבןAD'AZAL, IZDABEN- by the time that he went, it had been sold [out]

46)[line 34]חיורתאCHIVARTA- white bread [baked with well-sifted flour]

47)[line 35]גושקראGUSHKERA- coarse bread [baked with whole flour]

48)[line 36]קימחא דשעריKIMCHA D'SA'AREI- barley flour

49)[line 37]הוה שליפא מסאנאHAVAH SHELIFA MESANA- she was not wearing shoes

50)[line 37]איתיב לה פרתא בכרעאEISIV LAH PARASA B'CHAR'A- [animal] excrement stuck to her foot

51)[line 38]"הָרַכָּה בְךָ וְהָעֲנֻגָּה, אֲשֶׁר לֹא נִסְּתָה כַף רַגְלָהּ [הַצֵּג עַל הָאָרֶץ מֵהִתְעַנֵּג וּמֵרֹךְ...]""HA'RAKAH V'CHA VEHA'ANUGAH, ASHER LO NISESAH CHAF RAGLAH [HATZEG AL HA'ARETZ ME'HIS'ANEG UME'ROCH...]"- "The soft and pampered woman among you who has never needed to set foot [upon the ground due to her soft and pampered lifestyle...]" (Devarim 28:56). This verse is found in the Tochachah (rebuke). Raban Yochanan ben Zakai attributed it to Marsa bas Baisus, who died as a result of her inability to tolerate her disgust at finding excrement on her foot.

52)[line 39]גרוגרותGEROGEROS- dried figs

53)[line 39]איתניסאISNISA- she became disgusted [by the smell of Rebbi Tzadok's illness emanating from the fig skins]

54)[line 40]בתעניתאB'TA'ANISA- in fasting (presumably as much as humanly possible)

55)[line 41]הוה מיתחזי מאבראיHAVAH MISCHAZI ME'AVRAI- it would be seen [going down his gullet] from outside [of his body]

56)[line 41]כי הוה בריאKI HAVAH BARI- when he wished to be healed [after the forty years were up]

57)[line 41]מייץ מייהו ושדי להוMAYITZ MAIHU V'SHADI LEHU- he would suck out their juice [since he was unable to digest solids] and throw the [skins] away

58a)[line 42]אפיקתא לכל דהבא וכספאAPIKTAH L'CHOL DAHAVA V'CHASPA- she brought out all of her gold and silver

b)[line 42]שדיתיה בשוקאSHADISEI B'SHUKA- she threw it into the marketplace

59)[line 43]האי למאי מיבעי לי?HAI L'MAI MIBA'I LI?- what do I need this for?

60)[line 43]"כַּסְפָּם בַּחוּצוֹת יַשְׁלִיכוּ, [וּזְהָבָם לְנִדָּה יִהְיֶה; כַּסְפָּם וּזְהָבָם לֹא יוּכַל לְהַצִּילָם בְּיוֹם עֶבְרַת ה'...]""KASPAM BA'CHUTZOS YASHLICHU..."- "They will throw their silver into the streets, [and their gold will be rejected; their silver and gold will be unable to save them on the day of HaSh-m's wrath...]" (Yechezkel 7:19). The plain meaning of his verse is that the enemies of Klal Yisrael will refuse bribes when HaSh-m wishes them to destroy.

61)[line 44]אחתיהACHTEI- his sister

62)[line 44]הוה שלח ליהHAVAH SHALACH LEI- [Raban Yochanan ben Zakai] sent to [Aba Sikra]

63)[line 44]תא בצינעא לגבאיTA B'TZIN'A L'GABAI- come to me secretly

64)[line 46]חזי לי תקנתא לדידי דאיפוקCHAZI LI TAKANTA L'DIDI D'EIPOK- see to a plan that will allow me to exit [the city]

65)[line 47]פורתאPURTA- a bit

66)[line 47]נקוט נפשך בקציריNEKOT NAFSHACH BI'KETZIREI- make as if you are sick

67)[line 48]לישיילו בךLEISHAILU B'CHA- they will ask after you[r well-being, spreading the word that you are deathly ill]

68)[line 48]מידי סריאMIDI SARYA- something spoiled (such as an animal carcass)

69)[line 48]אגני גבךAGNI GABACH- place it [in your bed] with you

70)[line 48]ליעיילו בך תלמידךLEI'AILU B'CHA TALMIDCHA- your students [who know that you are really alive] should go up [carrying your bed] with you

71)[line 49]לא לרגשן בך דקליל אתLO LIRGESHAN BACH D'KALIL AT- they do not notice that you are [too] lightweight

72)[line 50]כי מטו לפיתחאKI MATU L'FISCHA- when they reached the entrance [of the city]

73)[line 51]בעו למדקריהBA'U L'MIDKEREI- [the Biryonim] wanted to stab [Raban Yochanan ben Zakai to insure that he was indeed dead]

74)[line 51]אמר להוAMAR LEHU- [Aba Sikra] said to [the other Biryonim]

75)[line 51]יאמרוYOMERU- [the Romans] will say

76)[line 51]למדחפיהL'MIDCHEFEI- to jostle him [so that he will cry out if he is alive]

77)[line 52]בבאBAVA- the gate


78)[line 1]איברא מלכא אתIVRA MALKA AT- you will truthfully be a king

79)[line 2]מימסראMIMSERA- handed over

80)[line 3]"וְהָיָה אַדִּירוֹ מִמֶּנּוּ, [וּמֹשְׁלוֹ מִקִּרְבּוֹ יֵצֵא...]""V'HAYAH ADIRO MIMENU, [U'MOSHLO MI'KIRBO YETZEI...]"- "And his strength will be of him, [and his ruler will come forth from his midst...]" (Yirmeyah 30:21). This verse refers to the ruler of Klal Yisrael at the time of the redemption.

81)[line 5]"[אֶעְבְּרָה נָּא וְאֶרְאֶה אֶת הָאָרֶץ הַטּוֹבָה אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן,] הָהָר הַטּוֹב הַזֶּה וְהַלְּבָנֹן""... HA'HAR HA'TOV HA'ZEH VEHA'LEVANON."- "[Please let me pass and I will see the good land that is across the Jordan River,] this good mountain and the Levanon" (Devarim 3:25). In this verse, Moshe Rabeinu requests of HaSh-m that he allow him to enter Eretz Yisrael so that he can gaze upon Yerushalayim ("this good mountain") and the Beis ha'Mikdash ("Levanon"). The Beis ha'Mikdash is called Levanon since it allows for the atonement, or "whitening" (from "Lavan"), of the sins of Klal Yisrael.

82)[line 8]דרקון כרוך עליהDERAKON KARUCH ALEHA- a serpent is coiled around it

83)[line 8]לא היו שוברין את החבית בשביל דרקון?LO HAYU SHOVRIN ES HA'CHAVIS BISHVIL DARKON?- would they not break the barrel so the serpent [would go away]? [So, too, you should have broken the wall of the city to drive away the Biryonim!]

84)[line 11]"... מֵשִׁיב חֲכָמִים אָחוֹר וְדַעְתָּם יְסַכֵּל""[MEFER OSOS BADIM V'KOSMIM YEHALEL;] MESHIV CHACHAMIM ACHOR V'DA'ATAM YESAKEL"- "[I am HaSh-m, Who annuls the omens of the astrologers, and makes the sorcerers into fools; Who] turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish" (Yeshayah 44:25). See Insights.

85)[line 12]שקלינן צבתאSHAKLINAN TZAVTA- we [would] take tongs

86)[line 14]פריסתקאPERISTEKA- a messenger

87)[line 15]הוה סיים חד מסאניHAVAH SAYIM CHAD MESANEI- [Vespasian] was wearing one shoe

88)[line 16]למשלפאL'MISHLEFA- to remove

89)[line 17]"... שְׁמוּעָה טוֹבָה תְּדַשֶּׁן עָצֶם""... SHEMU'AH TOVAH TEDASHEN ATZEM"- "... good tidings fatten the bone" (Mishlei 15:30).

90)[line 18]דלא מיתבא דעתך מיניהD'LO MEISVA DAITACH MINEI- from whom your awareness is not settled; i.e., whom you do not like

91)[line 18]לחליף קמךLICHLIF KAMACH- pass him in front of yourself

92)[line 18]"... וְרוּחַ נְכֵאָה תְּיַבֶּשׁ גָּרֶם""... V'RU'ACH NECHE'AH TEYABESH GAREM"- "... and a downtrodden spirit will dry the bone" (Mishlei 17:22).

93)[line 21]מיזל אזילנאMEIZAL AZILNA- I am going

94)[line 21]משדרנאMESHADRANA- I will send [to take over the siege]

95)[line 22]יבנהYAVNEH- Yavneh, a city along the coast of Eretz Yisrael (near present-day Rechovot), was the first stop made by the Sanhedrin (Supreme Court) when it went into exile just prior to the destruction of the Beis ha'Mikdash.

96)[line 22]שושילתא דרבן גמליאלSHUSHILTA D'RABAN GAMLIEL- [protection for] the [familial] chain of Raban Gamliel [whose family was that of the Nesi'im (spiritual leaders of the generation) who were descended from King David, and from whom Mashi'ach will descend]

97)[line 22]אסוותאASVASA- doctors

98)[line 24]לשבקינהו הדא זימנאL'SHAVKINHU HADA ZIMNA- to leave them this time [thereby lifting the siege and allowing the Beis ha'Mikdash to remain]

99)[line 26]אשקיוהASHKEYUHA- they gave him to drink

100a)[line 26]מיא דפאריMAYA D'FAREI- water in which bran had been soaked

b)[line 26]מיא דסיפוקאMAYA D'SIPUKA- water in which coarse bran and flour had been mixed

c)[line 26]מיא דקימחאMAYA D'KIMCHA- water mixed with flour

101)[line 27]רווח מיעיה פורתא פורתאRAVACH MEI'EI PURTA PURTA- his intestines widened little by little

102)[line 27]אזלAZAL- [Vespasian] went

103)[line 27]"וְאָמַר אֵי אֱלֹהֵימוֹ, צוּר חָסָיוּ בוֹ""V'AMAR EI ELOHEIMO, TZUR CHASAYU VO."- "And he will say, 'Where is your G-d, the Rock under which you sought shelter'?" (Devarim 32:37). Although this verse attributes these words to HaSh-m, asking Klal Yisrael where their protective idols are, our Gemara places them in the mouth of Titus in a reference to HaSh-m Himself.

104)[line 28]חירף וגידףCHIREF V'GIDEF- blasphemed

105)[line 29]הציעHITZI'A- spread out

106)[line 29]סייףSAYEF- a sword

107)[line 29]גידרGIDER- sliced

108)[line 32]פרוכתPAROCHES- the curtain dividing the Heichal (Sanctuary) from the Kodesh ha'Kodashim (the inner sanctum housing the Aron - Holy Ark) (Shemos 26:31-34)

109)[line 30]מבצבץMEVATZVETZ- bubble forth

110)[line 30]הרג את עצמוHARAG ES ATZMO- lit. that he killed himself. This euphemism means that he thought that he killed G-d.

111)[line 30]"שָׁאֲגוּ צֹרְרֶיךָ בְּקֶרֶב מוֹעֲדֶךָ; שָׂמוּ אוֹתֹתָם אֹתוֹת""SHA'AGU TZORERECHA B'KEREV MO'ADECHA; SAMU OSOSAM OSOS"- "Your enemies roared in the midst of your appointed place; they made their omens into omens" (Tehilim 74:4). Our Gemara interprets this verse to mean that Titus, who destroyed the Beis ha'Mikdash, divined that he had killed G-d based upon the blood that bubbled forth from the Paroches.

112)[line 31]חסיןCHASIN- one who holds himself back

113)[line 31]ניאוצוNI'UTZO- his insults

114)[line 32]אליםELIM- mighty ones

115)[line 32]אלמיםILMIM- silent ones

116)[line 33]גרגותניGARGUSNI- (O.F. coledoir) a large basket suspended underneath a winepress that strains the juice from the skins and seeds; a colander

117)[line 33]"וּבְכֵן רָאִיתִי רְשָׁעִים קְבֻרִים, וָבָאוּ; וּמִמְּקוֹם קָדוֹשׁ יְהַלֵּכוּ, וְיִשְׁתַּכְּחוּ בָעִיר אֲשֶׁר כֵּן עָשׂוּ; [גַּם זֶה הָבֶל]""UV'CHEN RA'ISI RESHA'IM KEVURIM, VA'VA'U, UMI'MEKOM KADOSH YEHALECHU, V'YISHTAKCHU VA'IR ASHER KEN ASU; [GAM ZEH HAVEL]"- "And thus I saw evil people buried, and they came; and from the holy place they went, and it was forgotten in the city what they had done; [this, too, is futility]" (Koheles 8:10). The plain meaning of this verse is that sometimes wicked people who were forgotten completely make a comeback, whereas the righteous and their deeds are forgotten immediately.

118)[line 34]אלא קבוציםELA KEVUTZIM- but rather gathered. According to this interpretation of the verse, it reads, "And thus I saw evil people who gathered and came..."

119)[line 35]אפילו מילי דמטמרן איגלייא להוןAFILU MILEI D'METAMRAN IGLAYA L'HON- even those things (such as money and other valuables) that were hidden were revealed to them. According to this interpretation of the verse, it reads, "And thus I saw evil people who found hidden things and came..."

120)[line 36]נחשול שבים לטובעוNACHSHOL SHEBA'YAM L'TOV'O- a gale on the high sea to drown him

121)[line 36]כמדומה אניKI'MEDUMAH ANI- it seems to me

122)[line 37]סיסראSISERA (MILCHEMES SISERA)

(a)Following the death of the Shofet (Judge) Ehud Ben Geira, Bnei Yisrael became lax in their observance of Torah and Mitzvos. In response, and so as to prompt them to do Teshuvah, HaSh-m allowed King Yavin of Chatzor to attack and subjugate them. After twenty years of subjugation under the cruel general Sisera, Bnei Yisrael finally repented and cried out to HaSh-m to save them.

(b)As they were now worthy of redemption, HaSh-m informed Devorah the prophetess that were Bnei Yisrael to wage war against Sisera, they would be victorious. She and her husband, Barak ben Avino'am, led Bnei Yisrael to the battlefield. HaSh-m caused a flash flood in Nachal Kishon that wiped out much of Sisera's army, including all 900 of his iron chariots. Sisera himself escaped the battlefield, only to be killed by Ya'el, wife of Chever ha'Keini.

123)[line 38]בת קולBAS KOL - A Heavenly Voice

(a)One form of revelation below that of true prophecy is called a Bas Kol (lit. echo). This refers to a heavenly voice that can be heard only by individuals on a high spiritual level. In numerous places throughout the Talmud, we find instances in which those on earth gained information from Heaven relayed through a Bas Kol.

124)[line 38]בריה קלהBERYAH KALAH- a simple creature

125)[line 39]יתושYATUSH- a mosquito or gnat

126a)[line 39]מעלנאMA'ALNA- a mouth [which with to take in sustenance]

b)[line 39]מפקנאMAFKANA- an outlet [through which to excrete]

127)[line 40]חוטמוCHOTMO- his nostril

128)[line 40]נקר במוחוNIKER B'MOCHO- it pecked at his brain

129)[line 41]בי נפחאBEI NAFCHA- a smithy

130)[line 41]שמע קל ארזפתאSHAMA KOL ARZAFTA- it heard the sound of a hammer [banging]

131)[line 41]אישתיקISHTIK- it was quiet; i.e., it did not peck

132)[line 41]מחוMACHU- he banged [with his hammer]

133)[line 42]מיסתייך דקא חזית בסנאךMISTAYEICH D'KA CHAZIS B'SAN'ACH- it is enough for you to see your enemy [suffering]

134)[line 43]כיון דדש דשKEIVAN D'DASH DASH- once it was used to it, it was used to it [and it was no longer distracted by the sound of the hammer]

135)[line 43]פצעוPATZ'U- they split open

136)[line 44]צפור דרורTZIPOR DEROR- (O.F. arondele) a swallow

137)[line 44]סלעיםSELA'IM- coins worth a Sela (equal to four Zuz)

138)[line 44]גוזלGOZAL- a young pigeon

139)[line 44]ליטריןLITRIN- Roman Libras, which are the equivalent of a pound each

140)[line 45]נקטינןNAKTINAN- we have a tradition

141a)[line 45]פיו של נחושתPIV SHEL NECHOSES- its beak was of copper

b)[line 45]צפורניו של ברזלTZIPORNAV SHEL BARZEL- its nails were of iron

142a)[line 45]ליקליוה לההוא גבראLIKALYUHA L'HA'HU GAVRA- cremate that man (referring to himself in the third person)

b)[line 46]ולבדרי לקיטמיה אשב ימיV'LIVDEREI L'KITMEI A'SHEV YAMEI- and scatter his ashes over the seven seas

143)[line 46]לוקמיה בדינאLUKMEI B'DINA- and stand him in judgment

144)[line 46]אונקלוס בר קלוניקוסONKELUS BAR KELONIKUS...- Onkelus the son of Kelonikus. The Gemara elsewhere (Avodah Zarah 11a) records his father's name as "Kelonimus", and the VILNA GA'ON maintains that the correct Girsa is "Onkelus the son of Onkelus was the son of the sister of Andaryanus (a Roman Caesar) ...

145)[line 47]אסקיה לטיטוס בנגידאASKEI L'TITUS B'NEGIDA- called Titus up from the dead through [the] witchcraft [of Ov]

146)[line 47]ההוא עלמאHA'HU ALMA- the next world

147)[line 48]מהו לאידבוקי בהו?MA'HU L'IDVUKEI B'HU?- should I join them [as a convert]?

148)[line 48]מילייהו נפישין ולא מצית לקיומינהוMILAIHU NEFISHIN V'LO MATZIS L'KIYUMINHU- their laws are many and you will be unable to keep them

149)[line 48]איגרי בהוIGRI B'HU B'HA'HU ALMA- provoke them in that world