[27a - 32 lines; 27b - 38 lines]

1)[line 2]לאלתרL'ALTAR- immediately

2)[line 2]בחפיסהCHAFISAH- (O.F. bolzole) a small leather shepherd's purse

3)[line 3]בדלוסקמאDELUSKEMA- (a) (O.F. tasche) a sack (RASHI); (b) a chest (RAMBAM Peirush ha'Mishnayos to Me'ilah 6:1); (c) a basket (PEIRUSH KADMON to Me'ilah 21a)

4)[line 4]דייתיקיDAITIKEI- the spoken will of a Shechiv Mera (see Background to Gitin 13:8, 9). This word is a contraction of "Da Tehei l'Meikam v'Liheyos" - "This shall be what is established and what will be."

5)[line 5]מתנותMATANOS- gifts [of a person who is not on his deathbed]

6)[line 5]ושובריןSHOVARIN- receipts

7)[line 6]ונמלךNIMLACH- he changed his mind

8)[line 8]שהשיירותSHAYAROS- caravans

9)[line 14]בשוירי מתא דעל רכיס נהראB'SHAVIREI MASA D'AL RACHIS NAHARA- in a place in Bavel named Shavirei, located on the Rachis river (or canal). It was probably a caravan station ("Shavirei," related to "Shayara" - caravan)

10a)[line 16]פוק ועיין בהPUK V'AYEIN BAH- Go out and study this [subject]

b)[line 17]דלאורתא בעי לה מינך רב הונאDEL'URTA BA'I LAH MINACH RAV HUNA- since tonight Rav Huna is going to ask you about this

11)[line 17]נפק דק ואשכחNAFAK, DAK V'ASHKACH- (lit. he went out, checked, and found) he checked into the sources and found the following Mishnah

12)[line 18]מעשה בית דיןMA'ASEH BEIS DIN- a deed or document of Beis Din

13)[line 23]בי כיתנאBEI KISNA- the Gemara below presents two explanations: (a) a place where raw flax is soaked; (b) a flax market

14)[line 23]בפומבדיתאPUMBEDISA- Pumbedisa (lit. Mouth of Bedisa, a canal of the Euphrates River, in Babylonia). The lay people of Pumbedisa were known to be thieves (Chulin 127a: "If a person from Pumbedisa escorts you, change your place of lodging [and part ways with him]!"). The Gemara (Shabbos 153a) also relates that the residents of Pumbedisa hated the local Rav, Rabah bar Nachmani, because of his words of reproof. The people of Pumbedisa lived in luxury; the city was a major trading station. On the other hand, Pumbedisa was the location of a great Yeshiva that existed for approximately 800 years. The Torah scholars of Pumbedisa were known for their keen intellect (Bava Metzia 38b). To emphasize its importance as a Torah center, Rabah and Rav Yosef stated that just as one is prohibited from leaving Eretz Yisrael to Chutz la'Aretz, so too one is prohibited from leaving Pumbedisa (Kesuvos 111a).

15)[line 24]בדוכתא היכא דתרו כיתנאB'DUCHTA HEICHA D'SARU KISNA- in the place where they soak the flax

16)[line 26]בדוכתא דמזבני כיתנאB'DUCHTA D'MEZABNEI KISNA- in the place where they sell the flax


17)[line 8]אלימאALIMA- stronger

18)[line 15]איתרמיISRAMI- it should chance to happen

19)[line 18]סימן מובהקSIMAN MUVHAK- a very specific identifying mark that is proof without a doubt

20)[line 20]סימניןSIMANIN

(a)There are certain instances where the Torah requires proof of identity, for example in order to reclaim a lost object or to identify a dead man and permit his wife to remarry. There is an argument as to whether Simanin ("signs" - identifying marks) are considered a valid poof (Simanin d'Oraisa) or not (Simanin Lav d'Oraisa or Simanin d'Rabanan) in these instances.

(b)The Simanin under discussion are not general signs (e.g. the color of the clothes of the deceased), nor very specific signs (e.g. the lost Get had a hole next to the third letter Alef). The former certainly is not accepted as proof, while the latter certainly is accepted (see Insights to Yevamos 120:1). The Simanin under discussion are signs that lie in between these extremes.

21)[line 21]אירכס ליה גיטא בי מדרשאIRKAS LEI GITA BEI MIDRASHA- he lost a Get in the Beis ha'Midrash (he was a Shali'ach to deliver the Get)

22)[line 23]טביעות עינאTEVI'US EINA- the identification of an object from a general impression of its form without stating particular Simanin

23)[line 26]צורבא מדרבנןTZURBA ME'RABANAN- an intense Torah scholar

24)[line 29]ותשרהV'TISHREH- and he encamps

25)[line 32]שההSHAHAH- lingered

26)[line 37]סימני הגוףSIMANEI HA'GUF- identifying marks about the body (i.e. shape or form) [of the Get]

27a)[line 37]ארוךAROCH- long

b)[last line]וגוץGOTZ- short

28)[last line]בכיסKIS- a money bag

29)[last line]בארנקיARNEKI- a change purse or money bag

30)[last line]ובטבעתTABA'AS- a ring