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moshe rubin asked:

In comparing Sukkah and Shobbas with regard to the mechitzos, the Gemmorah refers to Shoabbas as the more stringent and Sukkah as the more lenient. This does not seem appropriate.

While Shobbas itself may be more chamur than sukkah, with regard to the whole inyan of mechitzos by shobbas (at least as far as the din of lecchi is concerned), it only works in an area which would be mutar to carry in on Shobbas in the first place. To the extent that an area is assur to carry in midiorraissa, the lechi would be insignificant.

Furthermore, the sukkah walls are nececssary to be mekayem a dioraissa, not only to create a wall, but to have a mechitzos nikarros (as Rava pointed out) while a single lechi would not work in a mavui mefulah with regard to Shobbas. It would only help where the wall requirement was already fulfilled on a de'orraissa level.

Hence Sukkah would seem to be the more stringent din both mitzad the fact that it is di'orraissa, as well as the fact that actual walls need to be created.

moshe rubin, bklyn, ny

The Kollel replies:

There is no question that each has its stringencies, with Sukah requiring Mechitzos ha'Nikaros and Mechitzos Semuchos l'Sechach (see Tosfos 4b, DH "Pachus"). However, many Poskim (including the Shulchan Aruch, see Mishnah Berurah 530:32) maintain that a single Lechi does indeed make a Mavoy Mefulash a Reshus ha'Yachid mid'Oraisa for Shabbos. This is unlike your premise stated above that a Lechi is only relevant in a Rabinic fashion.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose