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4. Soaking/Laundering with Shemitah Wine

Alex asks:

I am confused by the braitha two thirds of the way down the amud on 40a.

According to the Tanna Kamma, soaking/laundering the shmittah wine is not subject to kedushat shmittah since the benefit comes after the consumption Yatzu Mishrah u'Kevusah she'Hana'asan Achar Bi'uran. But if so, why does he hold you cannot soak/laundering with the shmittah wine (Ein Mosrin Peiros Shevi'is Lo l'Mishrah v'Lo l'Kevusah)? If there's no kedushat shmittah surely the opposite should be true and you can do anything with the wine?

Alex , United Kingdom

The Kollel replies:

Hi Alex,

It is a confusing sugya. Let me try to explain a bit.

The Torah says that the fruits of Shmita are to be eaten. We can learn from this two Halachot that come from the same root.

A. The fact that the Torah ties Kedushat Shvi'is with the eating of the fruits, we can learn that any produce of the land that is not meant to eat, does not qulify to have Kedushat Shvi'it. That is why for example the tree itself like a Lulav, does not have Kedushat Shvi'it, just the fruit of the tree. Any produce of the land that is grown for laundering matters, does not qulify to be Kadosh in the first place.

B. Since the criterea is something that is meant for eating, we can learn also, that something that has Kedushat Shvi'it, can be used only for the purpose of eating or a use that is 'like' eating. Two criteria's make other uses to be 'like' food. The frequency and regularity of that use, and the similarity to the use of eating, that the enjoyment should be at the same time as the use, just like eating. That is why wine, since it's main use is drinking, has Kedushat Shvi'it, and cannot be used for laundering, since although laundering is a common use, it is different in the second aspect. So, any produce of the land that is grown for eating, is Kadosh and cannot be used for laundery.

I hope this helps,

Best Regards,

Aharon Steiner