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16. ההיא סבתא

Eliezer Gersten asks:

Tosfos DH Yarok k'Karsi- If you have a moment, this is a technical question about what you had written me in the past.

Tosfos uses the word אירנד"א which you transliterated as "Irlanda". Why did you write it that way? I would have read it as"Irnada". Also איצנד"א which you transliterated as "Itzanda" why not "Itznada"?

Thanks a lot

kol tuv,


The Kollel replies:

1. Yes, you are quite right, Eliezer. It could just as easily be "irnada". Especially since this is not a Hebrew word, I do not know of any way of deciding whether it is "irnada" or "iranda"

2. The same should also apply for "Itznada". However, I think that now that you have established that this is synomynous with hyacinth, "Itzanda is more appropriate, since "zand" corresponds to "cinth".


Dovid Bloom