More Discussions for this daf
1. Gezel Akum 2. Using a Stolen Animal as an Offering 3. A Split In The "Teyomes"
4. Lulav Shel Asheirah 5. "Lachem" by Hallel 6. Mashal of Rebbi Yochanan b'Shem Raban Shimon ben Yochai
7. Rava 8. Mitzvah Ha'Bah B'Aveira 9. Gezel Akum

Yehoshua asks:

On the first day of sukkos there is a din of "lachem" by the arba minim that they must belong to you in order to fulfill the mitzvah.

After someone has already made a bracha on his arba minim and fulfilled the mitzvah when the person then takes the arba minim again to shake them by Hallel must they also still "belong" to him with all of the dininm of "lachem". Or may he use someone else's (without making some sort of kinyan (acquisition) on them.)

Yehoshua, Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael

The Kollel replies:

Dear Yehoshua,

The Rambam (Hilchos Lulav 7:9) writes that even though one has fulfilled his Mitzvah of Netilas Lulav as soon as he has lifted up the four species, nonetheless there is a "Mitzvah k'Hilchasah" to do the Na'anuim. The expression "Mitzvah k'Hilchasah" suggests that the Rambam understands that the Mitzvah of the Na'anuim -- even if it is only d'Rabbanan (a debated point) -- has all the requirements of the Ikar Mitzvah of Netilas Lulav including the requirement of Lachem for the first day (-heard from Rav Moshe Sternbuch).

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler

This is not a Psak Halachah