More Discussions for this daf
1. Walking without Torah 2. Repentance after a Repeated Sin 3. Di Zahav
4. Changing Meizid to Shogeg 5. אביי כדשקיל בישרא מתרי שותפי 6. מחוי רב יהודה

shmuel asks:

dont understand, what does it mean? i do something intentionally, so i do teshuva and then bring koban for atonement? so then it follows, if i do b shigaig i dont need teshuva, just bring a korbon?!

shmuel, usa

The Kollel replies:

Not exactly. A person who does something unintentionally must bring a korban. Rashi says that the fact that he is bringing a korban demonstrates his contrition for the unintentional act he did and therefore the mishnah states simply that Chatos and Asham atone.

One who has sinned intentionally, a korban does not help him to atone as he needs to do Teshuva first for the intentional sin and then bring a korban if possible (most korbanos are for shogeig but Asham in a number of instances can be brought even if a person sinned intentionally).

Thus, if a person desecrated Shabbos intentionally a korban would not help but rather Teshuva, (including confession, regret, renewed intention etc.) fasting- technically for 40 Monday-Thursdays but now more Tzedakah -the amount that a korban would cost - these can help his atonement.

Yoel Domb