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1. The concept of Ho'il 2. Which Of The Two Goats To Use 3. The Musafim of Shabbos Should (according to Rashi) be Alike
4. רשד"ה שני שעיר יוה"כ

Bendavid asks:

what is the difference between the arguments of Rav Papi & Rav Simi if the first or last Sair should be used and the case later on in the Mishna when rashi quotes the two opinions whether the second of the first pair or of the second pair was used, depending if live animals are Nidhin - but this point is not mentioned above in Rava's case?

Bendavid, London UK

The Kollel replies:

The Rashash mentions that there were Acharonim that dealt with this question in a similar vein. They asked, why doesn't the Gemara say that Rav Papi and Rav Simi argue regarding whether live animals are Nidchin? However, the Rashash points out, Rava clearly states in Zevachim (73b) that live animals are Nidchin. Therefore, it is clear that these Amoraim who are both quoting Rava have to be arguing about a different matter.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose