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4. Mar'is Ayin 5. עיבור השנה והפקר ב"ד הפקר 6. מנין שהיא פטורה מן המעשרות

Joshua Danziger asks:

Hello kollel!

3:2 mentions the person handling the money doesn't wear tefilin so as not to be suspected of stealing. Is the assumption the tefilin compartment would be used to hide, or that he would put the coin between the bayit and his skin?

Thank you!


The Kollel replies:

The Bartenura writes that the problem with the Tefilin and the amulet is that people will say that he opened up the sewing there and put the money inside. So according to this the tefilin compartment is being used to hide. However the Rambam Hilchot Shekalim 2:10 mentions the tefilin and the amulet and writes that people might say that he hid the Lishkah money "Tachtav"; underneath; which suggests that he is not necessarily hiding the money inside the tefilin compartment but he might hide it underneath the tefilin, so this could mean also that he hides the money between the bayit and his skin. So it seems that both hiding it inisde the tefilin, or hiding it underneath the tefilin, are possible sources of suspicion.

Enjoy Lag beOmer!

Dovid Bloom