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moshe rubin asks:

The gemorrah on 29b brings a braissa where the the Tanna seems to hold that a yoledes b'zov cannot begin counting her 7 nekiyim until after the yemei tahara are over (see artscroll 29b note 9). However, the later gemorrahs on 36-37 seem to indicate that she is in the middle of her 7 nekiyim immediately and discuss the status of whether dam machmas kushi etc. make her be soser her count. Are these 2 different shitos or is is the din applied differently in different places (if she started counting shivah nekiyim before leidah, etc.). Thanks.

moshe rubin, brooklyn, ny

The Kollel replies:

These are two different opinions. Rashi (29b, DH b'Zov) writes that the Tana there maintains that the days of birth in which she does not see blood do not count towards her 7 Nekiyim. However, on 36a the Gemara cites a Beraisa which -- according to the Gemere there -- maintains that the latter days do count towards her 7 Nekiyim. Then, on 37a, Rabbi Marinus teaches in a Beraisa that the birth is not Soser in Zivah. The Gemara then reports a dispute between Abaye and Rava about whether the days of birth count towards her 7 Nekiyim. Rava maintains that they do, which is in agreement with the Beraisa on 36a but not with the Beraisa on 29b. The Rambam (Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 7:10) rules like Rava.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom