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1. Two Ma'ayanos of Levi with regard to the To'ah of Daf 29 2. emission

Barry Epstein asked:

Rashi says that every discharge is in fact a product of an extraneous stimuli. But a "wet dream", or nocturnal emission, is not. How do I reconcile?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

If you are referring to Rashi (35a) DH "Metamei b'Ones," Rashi actually says "v'Shichvas Zera Kol Atzmo Machmas Chimum Ones Ba" -- "And Shichvas Zera, its essential (cause) is because of forced heat." This does not seem to exclude a nocturnal emission, which is also produced in such a fashion (whether consciously or unconsciously).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose