More Discussions for this daf
1. inheritance 2. Blood of the fetus or the woman 3. רש״י ד״ה חוץ מן האזנים

Jeffrey Milrad asked:

Can you tell me why the ear is not mentioned as an organ in the discussions. nothing is discussed about arms either, only legs or above, arms, head, spine and other items but again hands or fingers or even toes. does any of this matter when you discuss a whehter or not a woman is tomei or not.

thank you,

jeff milrad

The Kollel replies:

If you are referring to the Gemara's discussion regarding what determines whether something which comes out of a woman is a fetus for which she is Tamei Leidah, the Gemara in fact does mention ears (23b towards the bottom) as being insignificant in identifying a human fetus (see Rashi DH "Chutz"). The Gemara only mentions especially identifying details of humans, which could be why something like an arm would be omitted.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose