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4. Meilah mei'Chaim

hg asks:

What is the origin (who uses this language first...does not appear to be a gemara)

"Meilah mei'Chaim

Kodshei Kodoshim v'Yesho Bah Meilah mei'Chaim

Kodshim Kalim she'Ein Bah Meilah mei'Chaim

I understand why this is trua and found the lashon in Keren Orah and in sfas emes but wonder where it is used first?

hg, Spring Valley NY

The Kollel replies:

Reb Chaim, great to hear from you again!

The earliest source I can find at the moment is Rashi Bava Kama 12b DH Meilah "k'Gon Kodashim Kalim she-Ain Bahem Meilah MiChaim".

Yasher Koach Dovid Bloom

The Kollel adds:

It seems that the phrase "Meilah MiChaim" may have been invented by Rashi, because I cannot find it anywhere in the Gemara, but apart from the above Rashi in Bava Kama I also found it in Rashi Temurah 8a DH d'Ee (4 lines from bottom of page).

Dovid Bloom