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1. The 3 extra mumin of Ila in Yavneh 2. Nose and Tail of Pig 3. Warts
4. קלוט שרגליו קלוטות כשל חמור וכשל סוס

H G asks:

Both Bava Metzia 27b / Bechoros 40 discuss "warts" per Artscroll but the Aramaic word is not the same. What is the physical difference or is it synonymous for same condition?

Other words?


H G, monroe ct

The Kollel replies:

Yabeles and Shuma are the same. Rashi in Vayikra 22:22 (Yabeles) translates it as the French word, Vero'a (wart?), as he does for the word Shuma in Bava Metzia 27b. Yabeles is Hebrew and Shuma is Aramaic.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner