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1. Kohanim Chashudim Al Bechoros 2. Concern that One Might Give a Bechor to Kohen Employee

Yossi beller asks:

Why is the fear that the yisroel would give his bechor to his worker kohen a valid concern? the first of r yochanan or r elazer he says that A Kohen working for a Yisrael is not believed. He thinks 'since I work for him, he will give the Bechor to me when it gets a Mum.' Perhaps the Kohen will lie but why is that a hava amina we learned on daf 26b that if you have a kohen working for you it is assur to give him matanos

Yossi beller, Monsey ny usa

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara (26b) forbids helping for free in order to receive gifts. However, here the Kohen is a paid shepherd, and thus the owner has a every right to choose him to receive the Bechor.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner