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1. Ashes Piled Until The Keranos 2. Exaggerations about the ashes on the Mizbe'ach 3. Gid not Nosar

Daniel Gray asks:

Why on 90b does Rashi in 2 places cite two different psukim as the source that nosar is NA to gid hanasheh?

Daniel Gray, Toronto

The Kollel replies:

Rashi on 90b, DH Shelamim, is referring to Shelamim. Therefore, he cites Vayikra 19:6 which is referring to Shelamim.

Rashi on 90b, DH Yisrefu, is referring to Korban Pesach. Therefore, he cites Shemos 12:10 because this refers to Korban Pesach.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom