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1. disqualifying effect 2. Shechitah of consecrated animals 3. Halachah?

Barry Epstein asked:

First, I got you last e-mail re halachah. My kollel Rabbi showed me how to look at the answer. However, since I don't understand the language, we agreed that I shouldn't rely on it as I can't understand it. Hence, I will ask you. If you don't want to respond I understand.

Second, you are getting more questions from the first 2 chapters of Chullin than normal. Since I had to do it out of order re Daf Yomi, no one could answer my questions. Thus, whereas you are usually the backup question person, here you are primary.

Question: Levi the Elder said that slaughter is classified as shechitah only at the end.

R'Yochanan said from the beginning to the end.

Which is halachah?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

We follow the view of Rebbi Yochanan.

If I might make a personal suggestion to you, Barry, I think that after years of intensive Dafyomi and Talmud study, you owe yourself some credit. You also owe it to yourself to learn the language. It might take an intensive, full-time 6-week course in Israel, but I am sure that you could hack it if you invest the time and energy. Consider it, whether for sooner or for later. In the meantime, we're here to help.


D. Zupnik