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1. Rov or Kosher? 2. Shechitah for a bird 3. Windpipe vs. Foodpipe

Barry Epstein asked:

It seems that re shechitah, a bird chatas requires 1 pipe severed while a bird olah requires 2 pipes severed?

How do I understand this difference?

P.S. Good Yom Tov (for you by now and for me in 3 hours). What did you study on Shavuos night?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:


Yes, that is correct. There is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv that the Olas ha'Of must have both Simanim slaughtered. This may have to do with the fact that the point of slaughtering Kodshim is to allow their blood to be sprinkled on the Mizbe'ach. If two Simanim are cut, more blood will flow.

As for Shavuos night, I reviewed Dafyomi, of course! (Besides some Mishnayos and other things....)

Best regards, Mordecai Kornfeld