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1. Rebbi Yochanan's Kal v'Chomer 2. "Mashi'ach" 3. Using the Kula
4. Rav'ani Le'onsi 5. Bottom Tosfos 6. Warning by a Shed or by one's self
7. Intent to be Edim

Yoel Steinberg asked:

Who is "Mashi'ach" quoted in Tosfos DH Amar?

Yoel Steinberg

The Kollel replies:

It stands for "Mori she'Yicheh," -- "my mentor, may he live long," who is generally assumed to be Rabeinu Peretz. The phrase appears quite often in Tosfos in Makos (6-19), and in Tosfos in Meilah 18b as well.

M. Kornfeld