More Discussions for this daf
1. Tenaim 2. selling and kidushin 3. Shtaros
4. Repetition 5. Extra Word- O V'alah 6. Yesomah b'Chayei Avihah
7. Tosfos DH Kasav Al ha'Niyar v'Al ha'Cheres 8. Document Written Without A Woman's Consent 9. Kidushei Bi'ah
10. Kiddushei Biah/Pesulah Sattus 11. כל הבה מיהבה לאו כלום הוא

Donny asks:

Rashi says it's definitely talking about a bogeres, so the question is if she's a Naarah or ketanah when it was written for her sake but without fathers consent?

Donny , Valley Stream, Nassau County

The Kollel replies:

Without the father's consent she would not be married. Marriage can never take place without consent.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom