More Discussions for this daf
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4. Pidyon Ha'Ben 5. Mitzvah of Milah on Father or Son 6. Teaching the father before the son
7. Shaving 8. Mitzvah of Milah 9. Maharal
10. Why is this Mishnah Here? 11. Step-Parents 12. Marry or Learn?
13. לסמוך על הנס 14. האב קודם לבנו

Yair Aaron asks:

why cant you learn from cul bechor banecha that a daughter does not have to redeem herself?

Yair Aaron, Bk New York

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav,

Without going into the Sugya, it seems that your question is asked By Tosfos DH 've'Ihi Mina lan'. Tosfos answers that from the Pasuk "kol B'chor Banecha" we would learn that a father is not obligated to redeem his daughter, but that she is obligated to redeem herself.

Be'virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chysler