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1. Lashon: external or internal organ? 2. Being koneh an elephant 3. Applying the Kinyan of Hagbahah to an Elephant

SF asked:

Shalom. If Tosfos (Rav Meshulum), Ramban, and Ritva hold that an elephant can be acquired by jumping, then what does one do since elephants don't jump (apparently)?

Thank you, and a shana tova u'mesuka and gemar chasima tova.

SF, Baltimore, MD

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara is merely saying that if an elephant would jump, a Kinyan would be effected. It is not discussing a Mitzvah to do so, but rather that this would create a Kinyan. I'm sure the Gemara wasn't discussing a pressing everyday question (as most people would probably not be Koneh an elephant in this way, even if it could be done). Whether or not elephants jumped back then, and our possibly saying "Nishtaneh Ha'Teva" if they did, is irrelevant to the explanation of the Gemara.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose