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1. The second case according Rav Yosi 2. Rebbi Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah 3. Clarification of semantics plus eirusin vs nisuin

Avrahom asks:

I'll begin with the seifa a bogeres does eirusin with money or the father of the ketanah is it a mitzvah within itself or the first part of the mitzvah of Nisuin. (The Gemara established earlier that Chupah can only create nisuin followed by an eirusin. None of the methods of eirusin can create Nisuin etc.)

The father or bogeres has significant control over themselves during eirusin.

Ergo the purpose of eirusin is to follow up with a Nisuin ergo to terminate eirusin, the Arus either dies or gives a get.

Why would Yiud be different? So doesn't the small discussion of Yiud eirusin vs nisuin is applicable only with a ketanah and an amah.

Now the Gemara doesn't explain what lo kiddushin osa means.

If it's the time frame then it truly semantics because how much money is left on her contract is partially contingent how much money the Adon gave the father.

I don't know if Rishonim ask the following, everyone is maskim that Yiud could be done as long as there's a perutah or more of earnings left on her six year contract. Regardless of what's in the father's mind (that may be a factor in second sales).

Why don't they define that the kesef received by the father, was for all of the rights a father has in his ketanah accept marrying her to a third, yet the buyer or son can.

This explanation of a transaction of partial paternal rites also explains why according to most the buyer of an Amah ideally should do eirusin with her. If not he should contribute generously to the cost of early release.

The discussion of eirusin vs nisuin takes on a different nature because if he's selling most of his rites, should he regain them what are the options if she's a ketanah. For two years she was an Amah, in the third year she was mekudash, and Yiud of an almanah can only happen if she's an Almanah from eirusin by kohen Gadol.

Avrahom , United States

The Kollel replies:

Dear Avraham,

The Mitzva is to take a wife through Kidushin and Chupa exactly like the Bracha said under the Chupa.

The Gemara explains that maybe Yiud is only parallel to regular Erusin or maybe it also works as Nisuin, and then all the rules of Nisuin already exist.

The Gemara also discusses what money makes the Yiud work-the originalpurchase money of slavery can be the marriage money (retro), orthat money won't work for marriage only the value of the work she owes to the boss and only if a Pruta is left. This is not semantics!

All the best, Reuven Weiner