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Yehudah Liknaitzky asks:

What does R Meir say about Tavshil she'Bishel Kol Tzorcho u'Mitztamek v'Yafeh Lo according to beis hillel? Is it the same as Chamin or is it osur like any other Tavshil even if the kira is goruf vkotum?

Thank you very much!

Yehudah Liknaitzky, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Kollel replies:

The Beraisa on 38a states that if one forgot the pot on the Kirah, with a Tavshil that had been fully cooked, whether one did this deliberately or inadvertently, according to Rebbi Meir one may eat it. Rebbi Yehudah disagrees and maintains that if it is Mitztamek v'Yafeh Lo, one may not eat it. However, Rebbi Meir makes no distinction between Mitztamek v'Yafeh Lo and Mitztamek v'Ra Lo. This suggests that Rebbi Meir permits the Tavshil even if it was Mitztamek v'Yafeh Lo. This is in fact stated by the Ramban, in Milchemes Hash-m (16a of the pages of the Rif), that according to Rebbi Meir, Mitztamek v'Yafeh Lo is permitted. The Chidushei ha'Rashba (36b, DH Beis Shamai) also writes that Rebbi Meir permits Mitztamek v'Yafeh Lo.

Wishing you health and Hatzlachah in these difficult times,

Dovid Bloom