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H David Levine asks:

To R' Nechemia, is it not clearly a, 'mum ovair,' since before time of avodah he will have grown?

H David Levine, Roanoke, VA USA

The Kollel replies:

Shalom R' Levine,

Great to hear from you.

This is a very good point! See the comment of the Mizrachi to Rashi on Shemos 2:6 who tries to deal with your question by saying that Rebbi Nechemiah believes that if Moshe Rabeinu's voice was different than his peers when he was a baby, then we can assume it that when he grows older also his voice will continue to be aberrant, albeit in a new way, which would in fact disqualify him for the Avodas ha'Shir of the Leviim.

Alternatively, see the comment of the Maharsha (Sotah 12b DH Kari Leih) who explains -- unlike Rashi on the Gemara -- that by "Baal Mum" Rebbi Nechemia meant simply irregular and thus deformed, but nothing to do with the Avodah.

I hope this helps to address your pereceptive question.

Warmest regards,

Yishai Rasowsky