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1. Charatah 2. Had Israel Not Sinned 3. Ran on absolving a Neder l'Chatchilah

Paul Davidowitz asks:

Ran 2.d.1,seems%20to%20me.

How does this understanding accord with all the mishnas that (seem to) say that l'chatchilah yes absolve?! There (apparently) are no other opinions on the matter besides Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai.

Paul Davidowitz, Long Beach, NY, USA

The Kollel replies:

I understand from this view of the Ran that all apparent references to the Heter to perform She'elah even l'Chatchilah are actually references to Beis Hillel's view but are to be understood as only b'Di'eved. Can you help point me to the statements that do not tolerate this reading? Thanks!

Warm regards,

Yishai Rasowsky

Paul Davidowitz asks:

What about the Mishna on 20a where Chachamim say that we do open (based on on opening from somewhere else)?

This clearly means l'chatchila.

The Kollel replies:

I see that the case is dealing with a Neder. Is there a Ra'ayah from there to a case of Shevu'ah, which is what the Ran on Daf 22 is discussing?

Warm regards,

Yishai Rasowsky