More Discussions for this daf
1. A few questions 2. They caused the loss to themselves 3. A woman pleasing her husband by agreeing to a sale
4. Quoting the son before the father 5. Mishnah

Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld,

On Ketuvot 95a Rav Ashi explains that Rabbi Meir maintains that a woman loses her Ketubah only where her husband sold fields to two purchasers, and she did not sign her agreement to the first, and did to the second. According to Rabbi Meir she cannot claim she signed in the second instance only because she wished to please her husband - because she can be challenged as follows:if she wished to please her husband - why did she not sign in the first case?

Why doesn't the Gemara challenge Rav Ashi as follows: She can answer to that

challenge: At first I did not want to, but when I saw how my husband behaved

towards me after my first refusal, I decided I had better acquiese in the

future, so when the second sale came I quickly signed, to please my husband!

Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander

The Kollel replies:

See Tosfos DH Ha Rebbi Meir. (See also Insights.)

D. Z.