More Discussions for this daf
1. 1. Conversion, 2. Shavuos 2. Nobody clearly holds a Min'al is forbidden 3. The practice of wearing a double shoe
4. Redundancy in the mishna from shekolim 5. Two pairs of Shoes 6. תוספות ד״ה ואנעלך תחש

Avrumi Hersh asks:

102b top line

The gemoro asks "is it normal to wear double shoes." The gemoro answers with a story about reb yehuda.

Why doesn't the gmeoro bring a raye from the braisa at the bottom of the omud. The braisa talks about a shoe called a kurdekisin, it is a real leather shoe that is ossur to wear on yom kippur, and pashtus its kosher for chalitza. Rashi explains that this shoe was worn underneath another shoe to protect from water.

Avrumi Hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

Very cute question! I can offer two insights.

1) Rashi in Pesachim 56a says that Kurdekisin are wide shoes that one can easily slip off when he is in the Reshus ha'Rabim. This sounds like a different explanation. I thought that maybe Kurdekisin is a type of two-layer shoe, that in the house one just leaves the inner part on, put both are one shoe called Kurkedisin. If I am correct, there is no question that if the Yavam is wearing a Kurkedis, the woman needs to take off both layers, since this is just a shoe in layers, and not two shoes.

2) A better answer to your question can be given according to the Re'ah as cited by his Talmid, the Ritva. He says that although Kurkedisin are forbidden to wear on Yom Kippur and to go out to Reshus ha'Rabim with on Shabbos, it cannot be used for Chalitzah, since this shoe does not have a heel, and it does not cover the whole foot, as we learned in the Mishnah at the beginning of the Perek. According to this, we can say that the Gemara is looking for a case of someone who wore two shoes that are qualified for Chalitzah, and there is no question that if someone wears two shoes while one of them is Pasul for Chalitzah, the Chalitzah is performed on the shoe that does qualify for Chalitzah.

Kol Tuv,

Aharon Steiner