More Discussions for this daf
1. Simcha offerings 2. Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai - Deeper meaning? 3. Klaloseihen
4. Klalos Nemra Bsinai 5. Beis Shamai vs. Beis Hillel on Olas Re'iyah and Shalmei Chagigah 6. Korban Chagigah in partnership etc.
7. Korban Olah before Matan Torah 8. Comment on Outlines 9. Kelalim
10. Klalim u'Pratim b'Matan Torah 11. Why is the gemoro only discussing chigger in bes shamai 12. הזבחים ומנחה הגשתם לי

Max Beck asks:

To whom it may concern,

I am writing with regards to the machlokes between Hillel and Shammai considering whether the pre-Matan Torah korbanos were daily offerings or appearance offerings. Surely there is a deeper, more philosophical disagreement going on, as there normally is with these machlokes. Furthermore, it seems like the discussion is finished without a specific conclusion being reached. I am new to the daf, and to learning Gemara generally, and am wondering what I was missing in this conversation.

Thank you very much. -Max

Max Beck, Los Angeles, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Max,

Great to hear from you. Very excellent questions!

I checked in Mesivta for any insight about the two points you raised.

1. What is the principle under debate between the two views?

Ohr Somayach (Maaseh ha'Korbanos 3:8) infers from Rashi here that the view of Beis Hillel is in fact that a Korban Re'iyah is possible to bring even not during the Regel, provided that it is an occasion of being seen by Hash-m. Possibly Beis Shamai is arguing with that principle in general, i.e. Korban Re'iyah only applies during a Regel per se.

2. What conclusion might be drawn at the end of the Gemara?

Typically the Halachah follows Beis Hillel and not Beis Shamai without needing to be said every time.

In addition, according to one explanation offered by Cheishek Shlomo (Hagahos on Rabeinu Chananel), the Gemara is rejecting Abaye's suggestion that R' Yishmael follows Beis Shamai.

I hope this helps!

Warm regards,

Yishai Rasowsky