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Rashi says בל תשחית פאת זקנם thereby connecting the general eisur of shaving with razor to an avel shaving. אמר רב יהודה אמר רב זוג בא מחמתן לפני רבי ומר זוטרא מתני זוג בא מחמתן לפני רבי ובקשו ממנו צפרנים והתיר להם ואם בקשו ממנו שפה התיר להם ושמואל אמר אף בקשו ממנו שפה והתיר להם . ומר זוטרא מתני. בברייתא דבקשו ממנו צפרנים בימי אבלו ולאו משמיה דרב יהודה: ואם בקשו ממנו שפה היה מתיר להם. כלומר אנא חזינא לדעתיה אי שאלו לגלח השפה היה מתיר להם דאין בהם משום בל תשחית פאת זקנך (ויקרא יט)

Is the eisur for an avel to shave included in the eisur for an avel to take a haircut (learned on 14b from Yechezkel)? If not, what is the source for the eisur for an avel to shave?

How did Rashi know that the general eisur to use a razor and the isue for an avel to shave follow the same parameters? Maybe general razor shaving is only prohibited on the 5 פאת and moustache not being one of them isn't prohibited but for an avel, not shaving as sign of mourning includes a moustache as the concern isn't with razoring a פאת? It would be very difficult to learn our gmara of a story of aveilim who came to ask Rebbi a question (which he answered) that there was a potential or actual second question entirely unrelated to aveilus and was only a question regarding razor use on a moustache and the two questions are grouped together in such a context merely bc they both concern shaving.

DANIEL GRAY, Toronto Canada

The Kollel replies:

Dear Daniel,

Great to hear from you. Very excellent questions!

1. Yes, shaving and taking a haircut are both included in the term "Giluach". I looked back to 14b-15a and I see that this prohibition is learned from Vayikra 10:6. From Yechezkel, though, we learn other laws for a mourner (e.g. wrapping the head, not wearing Tefilin, greeting Shalom, not engaging in Divrei Torah, not wearing shoes).

2. The Chasam Sofer was also bothered why Rashi found a need to reference the prohibition of shaving with a razor. He suggests that it's because Rashi holds like the view of Rabeinu Tam (found in Mordechai #875) that Rebbe actually forbids using a pair of scissors to trim the mustache, but rather only permits using a razor. That being the case, Rashi felt it was appropriate to reassure us that using a razor does not fall into the general prohibition of Hashchasas Zakan.

I hope this helps!

May you continue to attain greatness in Torah learning and Yiras Shamayim!

Best wishes,

Yishai Rasowsky