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4. Drink "Ad d'Lo Yada" 5. Revival Shortly After Death 6. Berachos
7. Shmuel's proof of Divine consent 8. Koheles is not Metamei 9. Rabah and Rebbi Zeira
10. Bar Mitzvah in Adar 11. Getting Drunk 12. Mishloach Manos
13. Ruach Hakodesh - Megilah or Mordechai 14. קהלת אינו מטמא את הידים

Rabbi Chanoch Oppenheim asks:

Rav Kornfeld,

Recently, an incident got much press. It was about a woman who got hypothermia while mountain climbing and then had a heart attack. She was revived 6 hours later; because her body temperature was 35 degrees lower than normal, she not only survived the cardiac arrest but also had no brain damage.

Have you ever written or given a shiur on the topic of yerusha, yibum, and other nafka minos of a person who dies and then (usually) a few minutes later comes back to life? I would appreciate anything you have on this topic.

Chanoch Oppenheim

The Kollel replies:

See "DAF YOMI - Megilah 7 - STATUS OF RABBI ZEIRA ... Daf Notes".

The question is:- after Rabah slaughtered Rabbi Zeira in the Purim Seudah, and then Rav Zeira came back to life, does he need to do kidushin with his wife again?

The Kli Chemda cites an opinion that Rav Zeira was no longer a Cohen after the Purim incident happened.

Rav Elchanan Wasserman talks about the status of Eliyahu Hanovi after he ascended to Shamoyim without dying.

See Teshuvat Ateret Zahav Even HaEzer part 1 volume 3 siman 9.

Warm regards from the Ramot crowd!


Dovid Bloom