More Discussions for this daf
1. Abaye and the Cycle of Torah Reading 2. Rashi's acronym 3. uv'Roshei Chodsheichem
4. 30B Rashi 5. Leining on a Ta'anis When There Aren't 6 Fasters 6. Leining For Chol Ha'Moed Sukos
7. Seder Parashiyos Hu Chozer 8. Tes Zayin 9. רש"י ד"ה מילי דמתא
10. כשחל בשבת 11. פרשת זכור

Joseph Kayeri asks:


Id like to ask how does the man deamar who says that we interrupt the normal parashiot cycle to read the Four Portions (seder parashiyot hu chozer) explains practically how to divide the aliyot.

For example Parashat Zachor, how to divide such few pesukim by seven people? Seems strange to say that we repeat (doleg) all the seven the same thing. [In fact, seems from Tosfot (dont remember exactly the daf) that when we do this we do not count as a new Oleh. But im not sure about this, so may be not strong proof].

Thank you,

Joseph Kayeri, Sao Paulo

The Kollel replies:

Dear Joseph,

The Turei Even says clearly that when there is no other option, there has to be repetition (although I admit it seems strange).

All the best,

Reuven Weiner