More Discussions for this daf
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10. מהני מילי מעלייתא דהוה עביד רב הונא

Joseph Kayeri asks:


I wanted to ask a question based on the Navi in Melachim (and Yeshayahu also) regarding the story of Yeshayahu and Melech Hizkiyahu, that the Sun also came back, as a sign of the healing of the king, perek 20 pesukim 9-11.

Yeshayahu Hanavi should have been in the list also.

Best regards

Joseph Kayeri, Sao paulo Brazil

The Kollel replies:

Your question is discussed by Tosfos to Avodah Zarah 25a (DH l'Moshe).

Answer 1: The lengthening by Chizkiyah was "only" returning back to normal the shortening of day which occurred by his father, Achaz. Tosfos brings another example like this by Yakov Avinu when there was a shortening by the dream of the ladder and then a lengthening.

Answer 2: The day was lengthened by Chizkiyah but the sun did not stand in one place, like by Yehoshua.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner