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13. Minchah 14. korbonos 15. Musaf until 7 hours according to Rabbi Yehudah
16. Korbanos 17. Rebbi Yehudah's opinion about Shacharis 18. Tosfos DH Tefilas ha'Shachar
19. דרכו של רש״י בתחילת פרק 20. ש"ץ שטעה ביום תענית 21. מחלוקת רבנן ור' יהודה בזמן תפילת מוסף

ARI STERN asked:

Was wondering if the word schachar (as in morning, Tefillah, Amud HaSchachar) is from the same shoresh as Shochur black. If it is, morning would denote light and Shocur is black. Why is this so?

Yasher Koach,

Ari Stern

The Kollel replies:

The Radak in Sefer Shorashim explains that "Shachar" means "black like coal" and then continues: "another meaning is morning." Likewise, "youth" is called "days of Shacharus" since it is the morning of life. Radak adds that some explain "Shachar" as "searching," as morning is the time a searcher will try to rise early.

I want to suggest a possible connection: Youth is called "Shachar" because of youthful black hair; if so black, morning, and youth are connected.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner